Learn4Life South Carolina


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday April 16, 2024 at 5:00 PM


In Person: 6209 Rivers Avenue, North Charleston, SC 29406


Virtual via Microsoft Teams: https://llac.io/QH3C7

Dial in: 657-207-0015
Conference ID: 720054591#

Directors Present

C. Zaloumis, D. Luginbill, S. Cooper, T. Senf

Directors Absent

M. Davis, M. Roberts, R. Thaler

Guests Present

A. Holmes (remote), A. Miller (remote), A. Peterson (remote), D. Petropulos (remote), G. Sharifi (remote), Grace Bautista (remote), H. Ruiz (remote), Jeannette Cook (remote), K. Welsh (remote), Kim Lane (remote), M. VanKirk (remote), R. Reyes, T. Brown, V. Chase (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Luginbill called a meeting of the board of directors of Learn4Life South Carolina to order on Tuesday Apr 16, 2024 at 5:03 PM.


Record Board Member Attendance


Introduction of In Person and Virtual Guests


Pledge of Allegiance

II. Approval of Agenda


Approval of Agenda

T. Senf made a motion to approve the agenda for April 16, 2024, for the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Learn4Life High School-Charleston.
S. Cooper seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

III. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes


Prior Meeting Minutes

D. Luginbill made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 03-19-24.
S. Cooper seconded the motion.

After a brief discussion, action was taken to approve the agenda for March 19, 2024, for the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Learn4Life High School-Charleston.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

IV. Reports



Ms. Lane shared on the income statement as of March 31, 2024, including the balance sheet, budget to actuals, and statements of revenue and expenditures. The board was pleased with the direction that the finances were going.


School Leader

Dr. Brown shared her principal report that included the PADEPP standards. She also shared there will be 25 graduates in June and that the seniors are meeting every 3 weeks to stay on track. Graduation will be Saturday, June 8 at 1:00p and a lunch following at 2:30p located at the MOMO Riverfront Park. She also mentioned the seniors will have a grad night at Frankies on May 3rd from 1-4p.

Dr. Brown shared an event “Grill& Chill Cookout” on the schools 135 count day which included outdoor games in the parking lot and board games inside. She also shared the International Consulate community event that her staff participated in and that the school was presented a certificate for their participation.

Dr. Brown shared on an “I Can” marketing campaign for staff recruiting as well as other recruiting efforts on position postings and incentives which will be grant funded.

Dr. Brown shared on enrollment of 163 students with an average of 131 students in attendance. She also shared there are 131 students that have reenrolled for the 2024-25 SY, 8 of which are new students. She also gave a brief update on enrollment with withdrawn students.

Lastly, Dr. Brown gave an update on staffing with 2 new hires and hiring efforts.


Management Organization

Mr. Holmes shared the management report including PADEPP training dates and LLAC’s new governance email, NationalGovernance@llac.org which will be used to send out emails and calendar invites.

Ms. Bautista shared on a virtual event that will be on May 2nd  hosted by LLAC. Mr. Holmes added that a flier will be sent to the school principal and board members. 


Legal Update

Ms. Peterson gave a legislative update with HB 3295. She also mentioned waivers are being put into law, and the bill has not been amended, but hoping to be signed by the Governor soon. She also mentioned a tiny increase in teacher/student ratio with 1 teacher to 11.3 students. Also, a significant pay increase for teachers both still in discussion in the House and Senate.

V. Approval Items and New Business


2024-25 Board Meeting Schedule

T. Senf made a motion to approve the 2024-25 Board Meeting Schedule.
C. Zaloumis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VI. Open Discussion


Open Discussion

Mr. Senf asked Anne for the definition of the waiver that she mentioned in her update. Anne broke it down and said it would mean having more students in seats. 

VII. Closing Items


Next Board Meeting

Next board meeting is Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 5:00p.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:41 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Holmes