Learn4Life South Carolina
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday December 13, 2023 at 5:00 PM
In Person: 6209 Rivers Avenue, North Charleston, SC 29406
Virtual via Microsoft Teams: https://llac.io/QH3C7
Dial in: 657-207-0015
Conference ID: 720054591#
Directors Present
C. Zaloumis, D. Luginbill, M. Davis (remote), S. Cooper (remote), T. Senf (remote)
Directors Absent
M. Roberts, R. Thaler
Guests Present
A. Giannoulis, A. Gibson, A. Holmes, A. Miller, A. Peterson, B. West, Colby Thornton, D. Petropulos, Grace Bautista, H. Ruiz (remote), K. Welsh, Kim Lane, M. VanKirk, T. Brown, V. Chase
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
II. Approval of Agenda
Approval of Agenda
After a brief discussion, the following action was taken to approve the agenda for the December 13, 2023, Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of L4L Charleston.
III. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
Prior Meeting Minutes
After a brief discussion, action was taken to approve the agenda for November 15, 2023, for the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Learn4Life High School-Charleston.
IV. Reports
School Leader
Dr. Brown shared on the principal report including PADEPP Standards Tools, 10-12 students graduating at the December 15th graduation ceremony which will be held at Trident Technical College at 4:00p ET. She also touched on enrollment of 153 students with all paperwork and enrollments completed and also shared on the demographics of the school.
Dr. Brown shared Academics data, including LEP’s completed, and mentioned Title funding grants including Title I-IV, IDEA, and ESSER III grants and explained each one’s criteria.
Dr. Brown also covered the hiring efforts and open positions for the school as well as facility updates.
Management Organization
Ms. Chase gave an update on the 23rd Annual SC Charter Conference. She also met up with Mr. Luginbill and Ms. Peterson during her SC visit as well as Ms. Emily Paul from the SC District. She also mentioned options at another location for school growth.
Ms. Bautista gave a marketing update with Mr. Berry visiting Dr. Brown and sharing an ad campaign that may start as early as January.
Legal Update
Ms. Peterson gave a brief legal update with working with the legislature, with sessions beginning in January, and will have more updates at the January board meeting.
V. Approval Items and New Business
Martin & Smith Invoice
Mr. Luginbill gave a brief explanation on the invoice and recommended it be approved.
After a brief discussion, action was taken to approve the Martin & Smith Invoice.
Student Safety Policy
Mr. Luginbill gave a brief explanation on the Student Safety Policy, Erin’s Law & Gavin’s Law, and recommended it be approved.
After a brief discussion, action was taken to approve the Student Safety Policy.
VI. Open Discussion
Open Discussion
Mr. Luginbill encouraged the board to attend the graduation ceremony on December 15th.
Mr. Senf spoke on his experience at the National Board Summit that was held in October and stated that it was very rewarding.
VII. Closing Items
Next Board Meeting
Tuesday, January 16, 2023, at 5:00pm ET.
Ms. Lane shared on the income statement as of November 30, 2023 including budget to actuals and statements of revenue and expenditures. She also mentioned with the 45-day count, the state funding will shift by December 2023.