Pullman School District

Welcome to the BoardOnTrack Public Portal for Pullman School District.

Here you will find our published agendas and minutes for board meetings and district committee meetings. Just click on "Meetings" at the top to view the meetings we have published agendas, packets, recordings and minutes for.



Notice Regarding Changes to Our Board Document Management Portal

As part of our commitment to transparency and efficient governance, we want to inform you about a change to our board document management platform. Starting January 2025, the district will transition from the TransAct eConvene portal to the Board OnTrack platform.


This change was necessitated by TransAct’s decision to sunset the eConvene portal in June 2025. As part of this process, TransAct is moving its customers over to Board OnTrack to ensure continuity in providing access to board materials and maintaining a user-friendly experience for our community.

We are pleased to share that this transition comes at no additional cost to the district. The cost of Board OnTrack aligns with what we have been paying for eConvene, allowing us to maintain fiscal responsibility while continuing to provide a robust platform for board document management.


The appearance and functionality of our portal may look different, but the content and commitment to public access remain the same. Thank you for your understanding and support as we implement this necessary update. If you have any questions or need assistance navigating the new platform, please do not hesitate to reach out to our district office by email at info@psd267.org or by phone at (509) 332-3581.

Next Board Meeting Agenda

The next board meeting agenda has not been published.