Pullman Public Schools reside on the homelands of the Nimiipuu (Nez Perce) people. We express our deepest respect for and gratitude towards the original and current stewards of this land. We acknowledge our role in building mutual respect and connections to support current and future generations.
Approval of Agenda
The board or superintendent will revise the agenda if needed at this time; and approve by motion
Reports, Correspondence & Program
Board members and the superintendent will give informational reports at this time.
PHS ASB Report
Board Reports
Superintendent's Report
Equity & Belonging Update
Public Comment
The public comment section of the agenda provides an opportunity for individuals or members of a group to address the board on educational issues. If you intend to provide public comment this evening, you may register to speak using the sign-in sheet located near the boardroom entrance. To ensure fairness and provide for an orderly meeting, we respectfully require that individuals speak only once for a maximum of three minutes and may not transfer their speaking time to others. Please be attentive as your name will be called in the order it is listed on the sign-in sheet. To assist board members in review and consideration of your comments, we appreciate your providing a written copy of your remarks along with your email or mailing address on the sign-in sheet. When addressing the board, please approach the microphone and state your name before presenting your comments. The board will listen and may offer clarification, if needed. However, the board will not engage in a discussion at this time. Depending on the nature of the topic, the board may decide to schedule it as a discussion item for a future meeting. We kindly request that all comments remain civil and respectful, and we remind you to consider the impact of your words and know that you bear personal responsibility for their content. We caution you to avoid certain statements that may infringe upon the rights of others under various laws, including those protecting privacy or prohibiting defamation. Providing public comment demonstrates your feelings of engagement and participation in the decision-making process in our community. We thank you in advance for your public comment.
Consent Agenda
To expedite business at a board meeting, the board approves the use of a consent agenda, which includes items considered to be routine in nature. Any item, which appears on the consent agenda, may be removed from the consent agenda by a member of the board and voted on separately. The remaining items will be voted on by a single motion.
Expense claims audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to the board.
Informational Items do not require action or discussion by the board. The items are included in the agenda for the board to review, and may be moved to the discussion items section of the board agenda by any board member. Informational Items may include board procedure updates and non-substantive policy updates.
The board recesses into an executive or closed session by motion, stating how long it will last and if action will be taken. Following the executive or closed session the board president convenes the regular meeting.
Discuss with legal counsel litigation or potential litigation per RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)