Intergenerational Schools
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday April 26, 2023 at 6:00 PM
The Intergenerational School
11327 Shaker Blvd 200E
Cleveland, Ohio 44104
Directors Present
D. Clark, J. Lopez-Inman, L. Carpenter, L. Trotter, M. Charvat, R. Bunton, R. Nicolay (remote), S. Miller
Directors Absent
K. Chambers, M. Olson
Guests Present
A. Cascio, April Maimone, B. King, C. Farmer, J. Lewis, K. Parish, M. Rado, Mario Clopton-Zymler, S. Alonso, Seamus O'Hara
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Sponsor Messages
Ms. Lewis explained to the board that at the April site visit she interviewed parents. Parents had lots of good things to say about the school and the Principal. Overall the visit went well and all items were in compliance.
Currently the 11.6 goals are being met and the current board attendance is about 75%
LIS Plan for Remainder of School Year
Mr. O'Hara, the LIS Principal, shared his plan for the last five weeks of school. He presented a Power Point reviewing the steps that will be taken to get the school through the next month safely while engaging students and staff.
III. Public Comment
Individual Public Comment
No Public Comment
IV. Consent Agenda
Approve Regular Meeting Minutes for February 21, 2023
TIS/NWIS/LIS: HB21 Verification
Contracts, Agreements, Leases & MOUs
Ms. King reviewed the lists of contracts stating that some of the contracts came in after the board packet was posted. However the majority of these are renewals.
Benefit Coverage Date
Ms. King explained that this is to clarify the end date of coverage for any staff leaving at the end of the school year.
Personnel Actions for all schools
CMSD Sponsor Contract Modification Updates
CMSD Sponsor Requirement: Update Comprehensive Plan
Ms. King explained that this is sponsor requirement that reviews the building leadership, educational plan, financial policies and Code of Regulations for the Intergenerational Schools
Health and Safety Policy Review
Annual Review of Policies
V. Education Advisory Council Report & Recommendations
Ms. King reviewed the enrollment dashboard which consists of all students that are enrolled or re-enrolled. Ms. King stated that due to the current low enrollment as well as the slow start to re-enrollment, we will need to treat LIS like a new school when it comes to marketing. Additional funding will need to be used to market the school. Over the summer we will have two interns that will assist Mr. Dorsey, the Enrollment Specialist in marketing and enrolling the schools.
Due to the lack of Cleveland residents enrolled at TIS, they will no longer receive the Cleveland levy dollars. This will be a reduction of approximately $250,000 to the annual budget. Even though Lakeshore does not have the required 80% Cleveland residents enrolled, they will still receive levy dollars because they are sponsored by CMSD.
Mr. Rado explained that during COVID there was an extension of the agreement, but the extension has ended.
Kate Foley, Educational Practice Group
Ms. Carpenter explained to the Board that in the coming months they will have lots of work to do. She thanked everyone for completing the board assessment and now the need to schedule a May meeting to complete a board review. The board also need to complete a review of the Executive Director. Ms. Carpenter would like to use the general evaluation for a CEO that is on Board on Track
The Board also needs to create an updated Strategic Plan. She would like to schedule two, four days to complete this work. Ms. King has engaged Dr. Kate Foley to help with the plan. Ms. Carpenter would also like to have students, staff and families help craft the plan as well.
Dr. Foley spoke to the Board about the current work she is doing for the building leadership team and the schools' process improvement.
Educational Vision Statement
Ms. King reviewed her PowerPoint on the Intergenerational Student Experience. Everything the schools do should start with the student and work out from that. The student experience stems from the "Vision of Education at the IGs". Dr. Clopton-Zymler and Ms. Maimone spoke briefly on their vision of education at the IGs.
Strategic Educational Goals and Budget
Ms. Miller highlighted the initiatives that were added to the budget to help retain current teachers, hire licensed quality teachers, provide professional development and double down on IG programming. Ms. Miller stated that in the budget is an increase in compensation which is a retention/signing bonus. This is a non-reoccurring expense but may aid in hiring teachers. We have hired a recruiting agency to help Mr. Davidson-Bey.
We will continue with our current coaches for the teachers and Principal as well as hire two building subs for each building so teachers can be coached and receive feedback in real time. The schools are also in the process of developing asynchronous learning for educators that are short and relevant.
Ms. Miller then spoke to the board about the importance of the Intergenerational Programming and how it is the core of our model. Ms. Miller stated we need to give the teachers the materials and support they need to properly integrate IG programming back into the curriculum. Therefore, the Education Advisory Counsel has redesigned the IG Programming position. This will now be two positions. The first will be a Director level position that create community partnerships and curriculum content and the second will be an IG Coordinator that will on the logistics and scheduling.
Ms. Miller also stated that we need to revive the DEI task force that was created pre-COVID. This is something that should be embedded in everything that we do.
Ms. King reviewed the cost of all of the new positions and Ms. Miller highlighted the positions or programs that would be eligible for fundraising and grants.
Mr. Charvat stated to the board that if we were a for-profit business we would be investing in the business to grow and produce better results. We need to invest in the teachers and we are currently positioned to be able to do that.
Ms. Carpenter agreed stating that with the high quality money we are able to double down on investments we are already making.
VI. Finance
Preliminary 23-24 Budgets
This includes the 3% raise for all staff members, signing and retention bonus, stipends, and increase in compensation for teachers.
Annual Budget to ODE
February and March FInancials
Ms. Farmer reviewed the financials stating that the current reserves are at an unprecedented amounts considering the difficulties the schools have faced this year.
Mr. Rado let the board know that they will be voting on two contract modifications this month. These are minor revisions and are just updates to the ORC. He also reminded the board that they are to complete their Sunshine Law Training by June 30. He also encouraged the board to read the latest newsletter.
Mr. Rado reviewed the Spring Site Visits at NWIS and LIS. During Spring Site Visits there are focus groups--parent, student, teacher, and administrators. The CMSD team looks for themes that emerge during the groups.
LIS is still not staffed properly for the number of SpEd students that they have enrolled. CMSD came and reviewed their files and spoke with the SpEd teacher. Things seem to be in order even being short staffed.
Ms. Wilkens-Valentine told the board that for both NWIS and LIS, PD was a flag. New Teachers say they need more support and veteran teachers say they fear they will not receive enough required hours. Many teachers stated this was the least amount of PD they have received in years.
Ms. Wilkens-Valentine reviewed the April 6 visit and NWIS. She stated the school has a strong culture with many students feeling like it has a strong community and teachers feel supported. Overall everyone feels safe.
She then reviewed the April 17 visit at LIS. Teachers stated that the coaches were helpful and reliable. However, they did request a consistent schedule because they are eager to learn. Both parents and teachers stated the change in Principal is positive. Overall the culture is not positive. Staff and students felt physically safe but not emotionally safe.
CMSD has asked LIS for a plan on how they will move the school in a positive direction for the remainder of the school year.