St. Louis Voices Academy of the Media Arts
SLVA August 14, 2024 Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday August 14, 2024 at 6:00 PM
St. Louis Voices Academy of Media Arts
1220 Olive St. Ste #200
St Louis, MO 63103
All board meetings will be in person
Per Missouri Revised State Statute Section 610.021, the Board of Directors may close this meeting for an Executive Session to discuss permissible subjects.
This notice is published at our school site (1220 Olive St. Suite 200 St Louis, MO 63103) and on our website (
Directors Present
A. Silverblatt (remote), D. Catchings-Smith (remote), E. Barnard (remote), E. Woods (remote), L. Jackson
Directors Absent
E. White, K. Scott
Ex Officio Members Present
H. Russell-West
Non Voting Members Present
H. Russell-West
Guests Present
B. Taylor, D. Wright (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Mission Statement
II. Actions Items
Approve June 12, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
Roll Call | |
E. White |
E. Barnard |
K. Scott |
E. Woods |
A. Silverblatt |
L. Jackson |
D. Catchings-Smith |
Approve June Monthly Financials
Approve July Monthly Financials
III. Board Business
Board Roster
Board Policy Packet
Ms. Taylor advised the board that the policy packet needs to be reviewed. Any necessary updates to board policies should be made and submitted to the commission by the end of August.
Review of Janitorial Proposals
IV. Board Committee Reports
Finance and Facilities
Jamie presented the financial updates for the 2023-2024 school year to the board, including details on the cash balance, revenue, grant proceeds from the Opportunity Trust, and state funding. Her presentation featured a graphic overview that highlighted key positive points.
Jamie also reviewed the June & July check registers with board members and provided a summary of the July budget and the financial position at closeout. She discussed the differences in the financial budget from the previous year, attributing these changes to an increase in student enrollment. Additionally, Jamie explained the distribution of the CSP grant funds for the new school year.
There are no additional updates from the Governance Committee at this time. However, clarification was sought regarding the Board retreat dates, itinerary, and timing. The board discussed potential dates for the retreat and agreed that Saturday, October 26th, would be suitable for all members present with an alternative date of November 9th.
School Performance
There are no updates from the School Performance Committee at this time. However, there was a discussion regarding the number of meetings to be held each year and the scheduling of the next meeting. Additional information on school performance will be covered in the Executive Director's report.
V. Executive Director Report
Executive Report
Dr. Russell-West provided an update on the recent family orientation, highlighting its notable success. She reviewed last spring’s data on student proficiency percentages in Language Arts, Math, and overall growth. Additionally, she reported that SLVA received a $4,000 award from the Opportunity Trust, which was allocated for teacher and school leader incentives as well as a school team retreat.
Dr. Russell-West discussed key driver goals and their alignment with charter objectives. She provided details on the grants she has submitted and outlined the intended use of those funds.
She also addressed several critical topics, including academic growth percentages, student proficiency, and the importance of teachers meeting proficiency standards. Compliance requirements were reviewed, with an emphasis on achieving 100 percent on-time submissions.
Furthermore, Dr. Russell-West outlined the enrollment goals for the Assistant Director of Family and Community Engagement, including current enrollment figures, demographics, and progress toward projected enrollment goals. She also addressed current staffing levels, future staffing needs, and security updates throughout the building. Additional information was shared on soundproofing measures, a safe play space for students, and new signage for the school zone.
Board members discussed the term dates for current members and the maximum number of terms that can be served. They reviewed the bylaws to clarify the election process and voting procedures. Dr. West agreed to meet with current board members to collect and submit the names of interested individuals and their areas of interest to the governing board.
Art provided information on three potential candidates who have submitted their applications and outlined the process for the board's acceptance of these candidates. Dr. Woods gave a brief overview of one of the potential candidates.
Latanya will facilitate a parent recruitment initiative, including meetings with parents and a board presentation, to encourage parent involvement and recruitment for board membership.