Ridgeline Education Corporation
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday January 17, 2024 at 4:45 PM
In person: 1922 S General McMullen Drive, San Antonio, TX 78226
Virtual via Microsoft Teams: https://llac.io/BZ0qQ
Dial in: 657-207-0015
Conference ID: 221761993#
Directors Present
C. Humphrey, L. Davis (remote), M. Lewis (remote)
Directors Absent
Guests Present
A. Holmes (remote), A. Miller (remote), G. Sharifi (remote), H. Ruiz (remote), Jeannette Cook (remote), K. Welsh (remote), K. Willmann, M. VanKirk (remote), Nadar Ali II (remote), Pat Hill (remote), Phil Vaughn (remote), R. Reyes (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance and Guests
Pledge of Allegiance
II. Approval of Agenda
Approval of Agenda
III. Review and Approve Minutes from Previous Meeting(s)
Prior Meeting Minutes
IV. Reports
Ridgeline Education Corporation 2022-23 Financial Audit
1. Mr. Vaughn explained the audit that took place for the 2023 school year.
2. Mr. Welsh also helped explain the school’s line of credit.
3. Mr. Vaughn also shared getting the student count up will certainly help.
- The Board was presented with the balance sheet, cash balance, and financial statement as of December 31, 2023, including the balance sheet, income statement, and cash projections, with CSP & ESSR funds moving over and receiving the 3rd payment form EISD.
- Mr. Daivs mentioned the goal to get ADA at 75%; it is currently at 70%.
- Mr. Welsh also shared that EISD still owes money to the school but needs confirmation on the calculations which have been held by EISD since July and October 2023.
- Guita recommends starting communications again with EISD.
School Leader
- Ms. Willmann shared her report on KPI’s and goals.
- Ms. Willmann shared:
- Goal 1: Enrollment and Attendance with 243 enrolled students and with 133 in regular attendance.
- Goal 2: Assessments: Ms. Willmann shared on December 2023 STAAR results with English, Math, percentages moving up but a 1 % decline in History, and Biology percentages went slightly down.
- Goal 3: Personalizing Student Learning: Ms. Willmann shared on events that her students and parents did before the winter break.
- Goal 5: Graduation: Ms. Willmann shared the graduation on December 11th went very well and is anticipating a minimum of 50 students graduating in the spring.
- Ms. Willmann also shared on how proud she is of her staff.
Management Organization
- Dr. Cook shared an update on talent acquisitions with hiring a new history teacher.
- Mr. Holmes shared that LLAC is offering an event on Black History Month beginning February 1st. He will send out the event information to all the board members via email.
V. New Business
EISD Contract Negotiation Task Force Updates
The Board requested that this item be moved to Closed session.
VI. Closed Session
The Board may adjourn into Closed Session on any item listed above or below as appropriate to that item pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act.
Motion to move into closed session at 5:33 pm.
VII. Reconvene into Open Session
Reconvene into Open Session and take action, as needed, on items discussed in Closed Session
Reconvened into Open Session at 5:52 pm. No action was taken in closed session.
VIII. Open Discussion regarding future Board Agenda items
March Board Meeting Rescheduled
Mr. Davis asked that the March 18th board meeting be moved since he will not be able to attend due to scheduling conflict.
IX. Closing Items
Next Scheduled Board Meeting
Next Scheduled Board Meeting February 21, 2024.