Navigator Schools
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday October 22, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Gilroy Prep School: 277 I.O.O.F Ave, Gilroy, CA 95020
This meeting will be held in compliance with the Brown Act.
Members of the public who wish to access this board meeting online may do so via Zoom at or via telephone by calling (669) 900-6833 or (669) 444-9171.
ID: 99160925045
Passcode: 322638
Teleconference Locations / Ubicaciones de Teleconferencias
- Hayward Collegiate Charter School, 166 West Harder Road, Hayward, CA 94544
- Hollister Prep School, 881 Line Street, Hollister CA 95020
- Watsonville Prep School, 407 Main Street, Watsonville, CA 95076
- Gilroy Prep School, 277 I.O.O.F. Ave, Gilroy, CA 95020 (Santa Clara County)
- 1065 Byers Street, Gilroy, CA 95020 (Santa Clara County)
- 27324 Dobbel Avenue, Hayward, CA 94542
- 1365 Locust St., Denver Co 80220
- 5357 Federation Ct., San Jose, CA 95123 (Santa Clara County)
- 5 SW of 12th Avenue, Carmel, CA 939321
- Hotel Angeleno (concierge) - 170 N. Church Lane, Los Angeles, CA 90049
Members of the public attending online who wish to comment during the board meeting will use the online “raise hand” tool in Zoom when the chairperson elicits public comments. Members of the public planning to attend by phone are requested to confirm their intent to comment up to one hour prior to the meeting via e-mail.
Individual comments will be limited to three minutes. If an interpreter is needed, comments will be translated into English and the time limit shall be six minutes. At its discretion, the board may limit the total time allotted to public comments and set new time limits for individual comments. The board reserves the right to mute and remove a participant from the meeting if the participant unreasonably disrupts the meeting.
Requests for disability-related modifications or accommodations to participate in this public meeting should be submitted forty-eight hours prior to the meeting via e-mail. All efforts will be made for reasonable accommodations. The agenda and public documents will be modified upon request as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Esta reunión se llevará a cabo de conformidad con la Brown Act.
Los miembros del público que deseen acceder a esta reunión del consejo pueden hacerlo en línea en o por teléfono llamando al (669) 900-6833 o al (669) 444-9171.
ID: 99160925045
Passcode: 322638
Los comentarios públicos se limitarán a tres minutos. Si se necesita un intérprete, los comentarios se traducirán al inglés y el límite de tiempo será de seis minutos. A su discreción, la mesa directiva puede limitar el tiempo total asignado a los comentarios del público y establecer nuevos límites de tiempo para los comentarios individuales. La mesa directiva se reserva el derecho de expulsar a un participante de la reunión si éste interrumpe injustificadamente la reunión.
Las solicitudes de modificaciones o adaptaciones relacionadas con una discapacidad para participar en esta reunión pública deberán presentarse cuarenta y ocho horas antes de la reunión por correo electrónico. Se hará todo lo posible por realizar adaptaciones razonables. El orden del día y los documentos públicos se modificarán si se solicita, tal y como exige el artículo 202 de la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades.
Directors Present
Chuck Daggs (remote), Claire Grissom, Ian Connell (remote), JP Anderson (remote), Jaime Quiroga (remote), Jan Mazyck, Niña Rosete (remote), Nora Crivello, Shara Hegde (remote)
Directors Absent
Guests Present
Ami Ortiz, Caprice Young, Christopher Copus (remote), Crystal O'Rourke (remote), Melissa Alatorre Alnas (remote), Noël Russell-Unterburger, Tina Hill (remote), Tom Peraic
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Public Comments
Opening Remarks of the Board Chair
The Board Chair recently toured GPS thanked Navigator and GPS staff for their efforts.
Chief Executive Officer & Superintendent Update
Dr. Young offered that all four Navigator schools are outperforming state schools and that Navigator's schools' attendance has improved dramatically. She also shared the status on the ongoing facilities projects.
Approve Minutes from Previous Regular Board Meeting
Roll Call | |
Nora Crivello |
Shara Hegde |
Ian Connell |
Jan Mazyck |
Claire Grissom |
JP Anderson |
Chuck Daggs |
Jaime Quiroga |
Niña Rosete |
II. Consent Agenda
Approval of the Consent Agenda
The Board Chair pulled the Restated Articles of Incorporation off of the consent agenda for questions and discussion; after questions were answered, and the item was returned to the consent agenda and included in the motion. Consent agenda items passed by the Board are: 1. Financial Policies; 2. Restated Articles of Incorporation; 3. Independent Study Board Policy #112 (Amended); 4. Independent Study Written Agreement #113B (Amended); and 5. Scoot Education Agreement for Staffing Services.
III. Committees
Academic Success Committee
Crystal O'Rourke, interim Chief Academic Officer, shared her presentation from the Academic Committee. Board member Ian Connell commented that the presentation was very comprehensive and he thanked the entire academic team for their efforts.
Governance Committee
No material updates reported to the Board.
Finance Committee
No material updates reported to the Board.
IV. Topical
Growth Update
Dr. Young shared updates to the growth plan including the importance of quality to accompany the growth. Board member Ian Connell shared that he appreciated Navigator being thoughtful and not rushing and that 'green lighting' criteria should be established. Board member Chuck Daggs shared his views on relevant high school issues and Board member Claire Grissom emphasized the importance of local community colleges. Board member Jaime Quiroga shared that his focus on the quality of the schools and Board members JP Anderson and Shara Hegde agreed that further discussion at the Board retreat in January is merited.
Consideration of Audit Extension Requests
Noël Russell-Unterburger, Chief Financial and Operating Officer, presented the issue to the Board.
Consideration of Paylocity Guaranteed Pricing Addendum
Noël Russell-Unterburger, Chief Financial and Operating Officer, presented the issue to the Board.
Consideration of Canizales Group Proposal and Statement of Work
Noël Russell-Unterburger, Chief Financial and Operating Officer, presented the issue to the Board.
Presentation of Unaudited Actuals
Noël Russell-Unterburger, Chief Financial and Operating Officer, presented the unaudited actuals for all four schools to the Board: GPS, HPS, WPS, and HC
V. Closed Session
Announcement and Vote to Enter Closed Session
Closed Session
The Board engaged in closed session discussions.
Return to Open Session
The Board Chair reported that no actions were taken.
VI. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
- CEO_Supt Board Update October 22, 2024.pdf
- Financial Policies (10.22.24).pdf
- Restated Articles of Incorporation (10.22.24).pdf
- Independent Study Board Policy #112 (Amended - 10.22.24).pdf
- Independent Study Written Agreement #113 (Amended - 10.22.24).pdf
- Scoot Education Agreement for Staffing Services (10.22.24).pdf
- Academic Success Committee Update (10.22.24).pdf
- CLA Letter to Board re Audit Extensions (10.22.24).pdf
- Audit Extension Request - GPS (10.22.24).pdf
- Audit Extension Request - HPS (10.22.24).pdf
- Audit Extension Request - WPS (10.22.24).pdf
- Audit Extension Request - HC (10.22.24).pdf
- Paylocity Guaranteed Pricing Addendum (10.22.24).pdf
- Canizales Group Proposal and SOW (10.22.24).pdf
- DEIA Summary (10.22.24).pdf
- GPS Unaudited Actuals 2023-24 (10.22.24).pdf
- HPS Unaudited Actuals 2023-24 (10.22.24).pdf
- HC Unaudited Actuals 2023-24 (10.22.24).pdf
- WPS Unaudited Actuals 2023-24 (10.22.24).pdf
A member of the public appeared and made statements concerning his work history at Navigator. A second member of the public appeared and made statements in support of the first speaker.