Navigator Schools
Academic Success Committee
Date and Time
Monday September 18, 2023 at 4:00 PM
This meeting will be held in compliance with the Brown Act.
Committee Members Present
Chuck Daggs (remote), Claire Grissom (remote), JP Anderson (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Alfred Morikang
Guests Present
Caprice Young (remote), Crystal O'Rourke (remote), James Dent (remote), Justin Steiner, Katie Giacalone (remote), Mariah Butron (remote), Neena Goswamy (remote), Sean Martin (remote), Tina Hill (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance and Guests
Approve Minutes from Prior Meeting
Roll Call | |
Alfred Morikang |
JP Anderson |
Chuck Daggs |
Claire Grissom |
II. Academic Topics
Review of SBAC Results
Academic Priorities Update
Mariah Butron presented models for math instruction, including center-based strategies, curriculum, classroom scheduling, data collection, and model classrooms. Katie Giacalone continued the presentation, focusing on interventions as implemented within a Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS). She provided examples of instruction aligned to each tier, the process by which students are assigned to tiers, and instructional materials employed to support interventions. Staff recognized and celebrated the rapid launch of interventions at WPS at the start of the new school year.
Chronic Absenteeism
Sean Martin shared a summative review of 2023 chronic absenteeism rates as reported to the state for the CA School Dashboard. He reviewed rates by school and compared rates between members of key student groups and non-members. He highlighted new supports to increase student attendance, including the addition of an Attendance Specialist at each school site. He ended with a brief report exploring the impact of minimum school days on student attendance.
Model Providing Update
Justin Steiner presented efforts to develop and implement model-providing strategies that will have a transformative, nationwide impact on teaching and learning. He reviewed multiple formats and delivery systems for model dissemination, including in-person, online, and hybrid programs. He provided an in-depth update on the RTAC grant and its key components, including critical friends groups (CFG), partnering with Transcend to codify the innovative Navigator Schools Squads Model, and field research, including visits to public school partners in Seattle, WA. Members asked questions about referral sources and summer school. Staff mentioned model presentation opportunities at major educational conferences. Members provided feedback for presenting ASC topics to the entire board. In closing, Dr. Young invited members to visit schools whenever they wished to witness the effectiveness of the Navigator Schools Model firsthand.
III. Closing Items
Confirm Next Meeting
The next meeting of the ASC will occur on Monday, October 16, 2023.
Adjourn Meeting
Roll Call | |
Alfred Morikang |
JP Anderson |
Chuck Daggs |
Claire Grissom |
Staff presented a comprehensive presentation divided into several parts focusing on specific topics, including SBAC results, academic priorities, interventions, chronic absenteeism, and model providing. Neena Goswamy began the presentation with a review of 2023 SBAC performance, including a deep-dive into math proficiency levels of key student groups. Members asked clarifying questions, shared insights, and suggested future strategies for analysis.