Navigator Schools
Finance Committee
Date and Time
Thursday June 9, 2022 at 4:00 PM
This meeting will be held in compliance with modified Brown Act requirements as outlined in Executive Order N-25-20.
Individuals in need of a disability-related accommodation, modification, or auxiliary aid/service, should direct requests via e-mail to Sean Martin, Executive Assistant to the CEO.
Zoom Meeting ID: 940 7205 8366
Zoom Meeting Passcode: 680056
Committee Members Present
JP Anderson (remote), Victor Paredes-Colonia (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Guests Present
Ami Ortiz (remote), Kevin Sved (remote), Sean Martin (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes from Previous Meeting
Roll Call | |
JP Anderson |
Victor Paredes-Colonia |
II. Business and Finance
Proposed 2022-23 Budget and Multi-Year Projections
2022-23 LCAP and LCAP Annual Update
A. Ortiz noted that the LCAPs for all schools were largely the same except for academic performance measures relating to state summative assessments (Watsonville Prep does not have two years of SBAC results due to the COVID-19 pandemic). She also mentioned a delay at the state level relating to the posting of results for this year's SBAC.
STRS Agreements
A. Ortiz explained that two of the counties in which Navigator Schools are located require annual board approval of state teacher retirement agreements. She reviewed annual fees related to these agreements.
III. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
Roll Call | |
Victor Paredes-Colonia |
JP Anderson |
A. Ortiz highlighted recent changes to the proposed budget, including the addition of a second transitional kindergarten class at Watsonville Prep School. She noted that this was the first instance of including Hayward Collegiate in budget documents due to the recent merger. Members asked clarifying questions about budget issues, including topics relating to Hayward Collegiate facilities, charter management fees, and current economic conditions in the state.