Navigator Schools
NS Finance Committee
Date and Time
Monday September 23, 2019 at 2:00 PM
Navigator Schools, Support Office, 650 San Benito Street, Suite 230, Hollister CA 95023
Teleconference Locations
An archive of board meeting agendas and minutes is available for public view at the Navigator Schools Support Office, 650 San Benito Street, Suite 230, Hollister CA 95023.
- 827 Broadway, Suite 300, Oakland CA 94607
- 780 Broadway, Redwood City CA 94063
- 83 Great Oaks Boulevard, San Jose CA 95119
- 2225 Lawson Lane, Santa Clara CA 95054
An archive of board meeting agendas and minutes is available for public view at the Navigator Schools Support Office, 650 San Benito Street, Suite 230, Hollister CA 95023.
Committee Members Present
Caitrin Wright (remote), Joyce Montgomery (remote), Nora Crivello (remote), Victor Paredes-Colonia (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Guests Present
Ami Ortiz, Kevin Sved, Sean Martin
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Joyce Montgomery called a meeting of the Finance Committee of Navigator Schools to order on Monday Sep 23, 2019 at 2:24 PM.
Record Attendance and Guests
Approve Minutes
Nora Crivello made a motion to approve minutes from the Special NS Finance Committee on 08-14-19 Special NS Finance Committee on 08-14-19.
Victor Paredes-Colonia seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Joyce Montgomery |
Caitrin Wright |
Victor Paredes-Colonia |
Nora Crivello |
II. Topical Items
2018-19 Unaudited Actuals
Members posed several clarifying questions regarding the budget. These questions addressed technology, staffing, rent, and fundraising. Further explanation focused on capital improvement plans, modifications, and costs; reasons for changes in numbers of staff; the process for ordering and stocking school clothing (spirit wear); and funding for student field trips. The committee discussed expectations for board fundraising. J. Montgomery suggested that the unaudited actuals be included in the agenda packet for the next regular board meeting on October 8 (but not not on the consent agenda).
2019-20 Enrollment and Attendance Update
The committee reviewed current enrollment and enrollment targets by school site.
WPS Proposed Revised Budget
K. Sved provided an overview of key budget issues relating to budget revisions. These topics included certain expenditures and savings and how these elements equalized budget outcomes (specifically hiring, salary adjustments, and technology expenditures). Enrollment targets were a major point of discussion. J. Montgomery provided recommendations regarding student recruitment efforts and increasing student attendance. She also asked clarifying questions regarding budget predictions for furniture and full-time employees (FTE). N. Crivello was interested in potential implications related to average daily enrollment (ADA) and migrant students. C. Wright enquired as to possible implications relating to plans for facilities and related budgets.
2019-20 Financial Reporting
J. Montgomery praised the successful efforts of A. Ortiz to implement a new reporting system. She requested the generation of additional custom reports as a necessary supplement to existing reports. She offered to provide assistance, if necessary. A. Ortiz solicited member feedback on report contents and level of detail. C. Wright complimented A. Ortiz on the implementation of the new accounting system.
Facilities Update: WPS and HPS
This item was not discussed.
III. Closing Items
Confirm Date and Time of Next Finance Committee Meeting
This item was not discussed.
Adjourn Meeting
Nora Crivello made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Caitrin Wright seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Joyce Montgomery |
Nora Crivello |
Caitrin Wright |
Victor Paredes-Colonia |
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 2:59 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sean Martin