Navigator Schools
Special NS Governance Committee
Date and Time
Thursday August 15, 2019 at 11:00 AM
Navigator Schools, Support Office, 650 San Benito Street, Suite 230, Hollister CA 95023
Teleconference Locations
An archive of board meeting agendas and minutes is available for public view at the Navigator Schools Support Office, 650 San Benito Street, Suite 230, Hollister CA 95023.
- 827 Broadway, Suite 300, Oakland, CA 94607
- 1065 Byers Street, Gilroy, CA 95020
- 1827 Clifford Street, Santa Clara, CA 95050
An archive of board meeting agendas and minutes is available for public view at the Navigator Schools Support Office, 650 San Benito Street, Suite 230, Hollister CA 95023.
Committee Members Present
Alicia Gallegos Fambrini (remote), Caitrin Wright (remote), JP Anderson (remote), John Flaherty
Committee Members Absent
Committee Members who left before the meeting adjourned
Alicia Gallegos Fambrini
Guests Present
Kevin Sved, Sean Martin
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Caitrin Wright called a meeting of the Governance Committee of Navigator Schools to order on Thursday Aug 15, 2019 at 11:08 AM.
Approve Minutes
Alicia Gallegos Fambrini made a motion to approve minutes from the NS Governance Committee on 07-18-19 NS Governance Committee on 07-18-19.
Caitrin Wright seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
JP Anderson |
Caitrin Wright |
Alicia Gallegos Fambrini |
John Flaherty |
II. Topical Items
Review Board Member Self-Assessment Results
Members decided to combine the discussion of agenda item A and agenda item B. The committee compared and contrasted self-assessment results from board members with those of the CEO. J. Anderson explored the possibility of cross-training across committees, and wondered if it might be possible for him to attend a finance committee meeting. J. Flaherty suggested that a comprehensive onboarding process for board members might eliminate some discrepancies in self-assessment results. A. Gallegos Fambrini pointed out that areas of identified for growth were all learnable topics and expressed satisfaction with self-assessment results. K. Sved was interested to see how results might become more closely aligned in future years.
2019-20 Potential Board and Governance Committee Goals
Alicia Gallegos Fambrini left.
C. Wright led a discussion focusing on potential board goals. These goals encompassed board recruitment, the new academic committee, and board training. Members discussed the chronology of future changes in board membership and related implications. C. Wright proposed the addition of one new board member by the end of the calendar year followed by the addition of two new members by the end of June. Members discussed potential onboarding strategies for new board members. C. Wright suggested a 24-month cycle of activities composed of a comprehensive set of components. Members also discussed the creation of new norms for board member participation. The committee also considered identifying and categorizing board and staff roles and responsibilities. The committee discussed specific strategies and a timeline for board development. Members approved presentation of the proposed goals at the next board meeting.
Board Member Recruitment Update
Committee members suggested and discussed potential candidates for board membership. Members discussed accountability and objectives for recruitment efforts.
Recommendations for Board Officers
Members discussed future officer roles for members in light of upcoming changes in board membership. J. Flaherty expressed willingness to serve as both the board vice president and the board secretary.
III. Closing Items
Schedule Next Governance Committee Meeting
The board identified September 12, 2019, as the date for its next meeting (subject to change).
Adjourn Meeting
Caitrin Wright made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
JP Anderson seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Alicia Gallegos Fambrini |
John Flaherty |
JP Anderson |
Caitrin Wright |
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 12:02 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sean Martin