Rooted School - Washington
Rooted School Vancouver Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday February 27, 2024 at 6:00 PM
In Person Location:
10401 NE Fourth Plain Blvd, Suite 201,
Vancouver, WA 98662
Remote Option:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 882 9526 4427
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Directors Present
A. Mason, D. Grant (remote), D. M Hernandez (remote), S. Davis, T. Foster, T. Knox (remote)
Directors Absent
T. Martin
Guests Present
A. Lundgren, S. Carney, S. Yokley (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
II. Approval of Minutes
A. Approve Minutes from January 23, 2024 Rooted School Vancouver Regular Board Meeting
Reports, Requests, and Comments by Board Members
Student Representative Report
Student representative reported that students are working on putting clubs together like the video game club. They are really enjoying stem Friday's where they get to do a lot of activities like build cars and circuits and they reported that the school has 5 new students.
IV. Consent Agenda
Approval of Financial Disbursements and Payroll as Audited and Certified per RCW Regulations
Approval of RSV Board Compliance Dashboard for 2023-2024_January
Review and Acknowledgment of MOU for AI-Powered Grant Support and Services
Amendment to Enrollment Policy 3110
Review and Approval of 2022 Exempt Organization Return for Rooted School Washington
Policy 2409: Competency-Based Grading First Read
Adrienne requested to remove this item from the consent Agenda.
V. Committee Reports to the Board
Finance / Fund Development Committee Report
Rooted discussed the need to raise funds to meet the growing needs of their program, including staffing, program development, and technology. They planned to revise their Fund Development Plan with updated figures and considered expanding their programs, which might require leasing an additional space. They agreed to start working on their fund development campaign immediately. Rooted reported back to their funders about the upcoming year's enrollment and emphasized the need to focus on fund development.
Reports to the Board
Application update - there are currently 32 applications for 9th and 8 applications for 10th grader for the year 2024-25.
We have a partner coming to do DEI training with RSV staff soon.
Update on Academic Achievement and Progress Towards Goals
There has been significant growth with IXL for math and NWA for reading, students are making progress. There is an expected 1.5 growth rate by the end of the year, instructional partners are getting coaching around rigor to ensure all students are engaged in their learning process.
Acknowledgment of Signed Independent Contractor Agreement with [Akin] for Behavioral Health Education Services
Discussed cost - It is a very reasonable cost. Children's home society will be sending out an employee to work with our students twice a week during lunch for a lunch group to explore mental health topics that students will be able to vote on.
VII. Executive Session
To review the performance of the Executive Director
- The Board convened in executive session to conduct the performance review of the Executive Director as permitted under RCW 42.30.110(g), which allows for the evaluation of the performance of a public employee. The session began at 7:10pm and concluded at 7:25pm. No decisions were made during the executive session, and the session was closed to the public.
VIII. Closing Items
Reminder and Important Dates
Board retreat pending dates - April 19th/20th or April 26th/27th.
Board expressed how grateful they are for the Rooted School Vancouver team and all they have done for the school.