Rooted School - Washington

Finance / Fund Development Committee

Published on January 18, 2024 at 8:10 AM PST
Amended on January 18, 2024 at 4:06 PM PST

Date and Time

Thursday January 18, 2024 at 4:30 PM PST


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 4:30 PM
  A. Record Attendance   Adrienne Mason 1 m

Board Members:

Adrienne Mason: Board Chairperson

Taina Knox: Board Treasurer

Tyrone Foster - Board Member 




School Officials:

Steven Carney: Executive Director & School Leader - RSV

Sandra Yokley: Director of Operations - RSV


Rooted School Foundation

Jonathan Johnson - CEO 


  B. Call the Meeting to Order  
  C. Approve Minutes Approve Minutes 1 m
II. Finance / Fund Development 4:32 PM
  A. RSV Finance Update FYI Steven Carney 5 m

The December 2023 Finance Dashboard for Rooted School Vancouver shows positive progress across key financial metrics:

  1. Average Annual Student FTE: Enrollment, a primary revenue driver, is on target.
  2. Public Revenue Received: 28% of the overall budget, aligning with expectations. The pace of federal fund claims varies throughout the year.
  3. Private Revenue Received: 24% of the overall budget. The majority is expected from a WSCSA grant in Summer 2024, indicating progress towards fundraising goals.
  4. Total Expenditures: At 26% of the overall budget, spending is on target.
  5. Days Cash on Hand: The school has 83 days cash on hand, reflecting operational and financial stability.

All these metrics are currently on target, suggesting a strong financial position.

  B. RSV Fundraising Update FYI Steven Carney 2 m

Rooted School Vancouver has made significant progress in its fundraising efforts. We've received our first grant from the Community Foundation for SW Washington, marking a milestone in our relationship-building endeavors. Efforts to reach out to potential regional donors have been comprehensive, highlighting the need for a revised prospect list more aligned with our vision. We continue to maintain strong connections with key foundations and are preparing to draft a submission for the Fostering Diverse Schools federal grant. It's noted that larger funding opportunities may be more accessible through consortium requests, given our current scale and growing academic achievements.

  C. RSV Fund Development Plan Vote Steven Carney 78 m

Quick Review of Existing Plan (10 minutes)

  • Summarize current fund development plan
  • Highlight areas needing immediate attention


Collaborative Updates (50 minutes)

  • Each member discusses assigned section:
    • Budget Goals (Member 1)
    • Funding Opportunities (Member 2)
    • Relationship Building Strategies (Member 3)
    • Solicitation Strategies (Member 4)
  • Discussion and collaborative input on updates
  • Identification of immediate action items


Action Plan and Responsibilities (10 minutes)

  • Prioritize and assign tasks
  • Set deadlines for immediate actions


Documentation and Follow-Up (10 minutes)

  • Summarize decisions and action items
  • Plan for detailed review in a follow-up meeting
  • Confirm dates for next meeting
III. Other Business
IV. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote