Maine Charter School Commission


Monthly Commission Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday May 14, 2024 at 1:00 PM


Room #103, Cross Office Building, 111 Sewall Street, Augusta

The Vision of the Maine Charter School Commission is that "All of Maine's children will have access to a vibrant ecosystem of diverse schools so that all of them can become happy, healthy and thriving citizens."


The Mission of the Maine Charter School Commission is "To authorize, monitor and develop unique public charter schools that provide a dynamic, superlative education for every student."



  • This meeting is being recorded via Zoom.
  • We ask members of the public to hold comments until public comments are heard.


Any person seeking special accommodation for the public meeting should contact Sue Whipkey at (207)816-2187 or

Directors Present

Brian Langley (remote), James Ford, Jim Handy (remote), Leigh Albert, Norm Higgins, Tom Keller, Tori Kornfield

Directors Absent


Guests Present

Amy Allen (remote), Lana Ewing, Susan Whipkey

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance

Leigh arrived at 1:30


Call the Meeting to Order

Norm Higgins called a meeting of the board of directors of Maine Charter School Commission to order on Tuesday May 14, 2024 at 1:01 PM.


To Consider the Approval of the 3/12/24 Commission Meeting Minutes

Brian Langley made a motion to approve the minutes from Monthly Commission Meeting on 03-12-24.
Tori Kornfield seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Norm Higgins
Leigh Albert
Brian Langley
Jim Handy
Tom Keller
James Ford
Tori Kornfield


To Consider the Approval of the 4/9/24 Commission Meeting Minutes

Tom Keller made a motion to approve the minutes from Monthly Commission Meeting on 04-09-24.
Tori Kornfield seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Jim Handy
Leigh Albert
James Ford
Tori Kornfield
Brian Langley
Norm Higgins
Tom Keller

II. Comments from Commission Chair



Norm visited CRCS and thanked them for hosting.



III. Additions or Adjustments to the Agenda



Graduation date for Maine Arts Academy is on June 2, 2024, not June 1 as listed in the agenda.

IV. Committee Reports


School Performance Committee

Tori reported the Committe reviewed the FY25 budget items related to school performance. 



Finance Committee

Brian reported the Committee discussed the CRCS facility expansion.  Travis Works and Nicki Reinholt from CRCS attended to provide an overview and answer questions.

The committee reviewed the FY25 budget and gave final remarks. 


Executive Committee

Norm reported the following:

  • The Committee reviewed the budget.
  • Next month, MCSC officers will be nominated. Norm requested Tori and Brian serve as the nominating committee.  
  • The Executive Director evaluation material will be coming to Board members.



V. Public Comment*


Public Comment


VI. Executive Director/Commission Staff Report


School Updates

  • US News ranked the best public schools across the country.  For Maine, MCA was #6 and MeVA was #10.
  • Baxter Academy's Katie Strait is the 2024 Cumberland County Teacher of the Year.
  • NPR recently ran a story highlighting MeAN'S blacksmithing program.  


Organizational Updates

Lana attended the NICS A-Game annual conference in Chicago and gave it a good review in terms of information available about authorizing.  


Next month's meeting will be at the Ecology Learning Center and Amy will be in attendance.



Media Updates


New Charter School

  • The application release for the new Charter School is July 1. 
  • A letter of intent must be submitted by July 15 for the February application submission.




VII. New Business Requiring Approval and/or Acceptance


To Consider the Approval of the Commission's FY25 Operating Budget

Leigh Albert made a motion to approve the FY25 Operating Budget.
James Ford seconded the motion.

Norm noted that the spending reflects MCSC priorities.


Lana provided an overview:

  • Assumed 5% increase in expenditures.
  • Decrease on Staffing Agency Costs due to change in Temp Agency.
  • Decrease Public Relations costs. 
  • Decrease Contracted Support to staff.  
  • Decrease for IT costs related to actual spending. 
  • Increase support to schools - BoardOnTrack, CountMeIn, Innovation Fund doubled to $40k.


Leigh recognized Lana's and Amy's work.

Lana thanked the Finance Committee, Amy and Joe.


The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Jim Handy
Norm Higgins
Leigh Albert
James Ford
Brian Langley
Tori Kornfield
Tom Keller

VIII. Next Month's Topics


Next Month's Topics

  • Nominating Committee will meet in Executive Session
  • Discuss the July Meeting
  • Joe Mattos will be presenting




IX. Announcements


Important Dates

Graduation Ceremonies:

  • ACADIA Academy 
    • End of Year Exhibition of Work - June 5th from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
    • “Pre-Cademy” Awards - June 7th from 1 p.m. to 2.p.m.
    • Sixth Grade Promotion - June 7th at 6 p.m.
  • Baxter Academy – Graduation - June 1st at 11 a.m., Merrill Auditorium
  • Community Regional Charter School – Graduation - June 14th at 6 p.m.
  • Ecology Learning Center – Graduation - June 4th at a time TBD, Maine Organic Farmers and Gardiners Assn. (‘MOFGA’). 
  • Fiddlehead School of Arts & Sciences 
    • Graduation - June 7th at 4 p.m. at the Norumbega Cidery in New Gloucester
    • Music recitals will be held at the New Gloucester Congregational Church on May 13th for 2nd and 3rd grades; on May 14th for 4th and 5th grades; and on May 15th for 6th through 8th grades.  All are at 12:30 p.m.
  • Maine Academy of Natural Sciences 
    • Threshold Graduation - July 19th.
    • Campus Graduation - July 26th.
  • Maine Arts Academy – Graduation - June 2nd at 12:00 p.m., Augusta Civic Center
  • Maine Connections Academy – Graduation - June 7th at 2 p.m., Merrill Auditorium
  • Maine Virtual Academy – Graduation - June 7th at 2 p.m. via a Live Zoom Ceremony.


Next Regular Business Meeting

June 11, 2024 from 1pm-4pm at the Ecology Learning Center.

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 1:46 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Norm Higgins