Ogden Preparatory Academy

OPA Board of Directors Meeting

Published on December 13, 2023 at 1:21 PM MST

Date and Time

Thursday December 14, 2023 at 4:30 PM MST


1487 Lincoln Avenue

Ogden UT 84404

Board Room

The Mission of the Ogden Preparatory Academy Charter School is to provide a challenging curriculum where academic excellence, character development, and individual growth are nurtured in a safe and happy environment that involves the active participation of students, teachers, parents and community members.


Section Number Topic Number Details Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 4:30 PM
  A. Call the Meeting to Order   Sara Mejeur
  B. Record Attendance   Sara Mejeur 1 m
  C. Approve Minutes Approve Minutes Sara Mejeur 1 m
    Minutes for OPA Board of Directors Meeting on November 9, 2023  
  D. Opportunity for Public Input   5 m
  E. Approval of new Board member Vote Sara Mejeur 5 m
II. Finance 4:42 PM
  A. Financial Review FYI Spencer Adams 5 m
  B. ECC Playground Expansion Vote Debbie Deem 5 m

We propose installing a 30x92 cement pad to expand the hard surface area of the ECC playground. This area will be painted with activities suitable for young students.

We propose installing a turf area adjacent to the cement pad for additional playground equipment. Additionally, a turf bike path will be installed around the perimeter of the play area. 


Cement contractors were contacted; however, we were unable to get responses or bids. J&J Pools were contacted and provided the bid of $33,120 for the concrete work. This is $12/sqft. This is significantly cheaper than other cement work we have had done previously. J&J Pools' references and previous work has been reviewed favorably.


Three companies were contacted for turf proposals, 2 responded. Purchase Green is the lowest bid at $41,632. Purchase Green installed the other turf areas at the school. Their work was satisfactory, and they were good to work with.


We request the Board approve the expansion of the play area at the ECC with concrete and turf installed by J&J Pools and Purchase Green.

  C. Elementary Stage Curtains Vote Debbie Deem 5 m

The Elementary Stage has served many purposes over the years including storage and office space. 

We propose installing a stage curtain system to improve the look of the area as well as make it serviceable as a stage. 

The curtain system will include a front curtain and valance in Navy Blue with a 3 sided curtain behind in black. A plan view is attached.

2 vendor bids are attached. 

OPA Administration request the Board approve the installation of the Elementary stage curtains by Huish's for $29,990.

Huish's bid was lower; their references were good; they are local to Utah.


  D. Cabinets for the ECC Kitchen FYI Debbie Deem 5 m

We sent out for bids for installing some cabinetry in the ECC kitchen and cafeteria. We received 3 bids. The contractor who installed the cabinetry in the rest of the building returned a bid for under $5,000. 

This cabinetry will give the Kitchen staff work and storage space in a student friendly and aesthetically pleasing way.

  E. Google Suite Licensing Vote Debbie Deem 5 m

Licensing is required annually to operate all the Google Suite functions for students and staff. 

We pay for staff licenses, and student licenses are free. 


We purchased our chromebooks from Bluum, so we would like to purchase the licenses from Bluum. License costs are non-varying. 

Cost for 175 Staff licenses: $7,906.50

III. Executive Session 5:07 PM
  A. Enter Executive Session Vote Sara Mejeur 5 m

...To protect the privacy of an individual.

  B. Exit Executive session Vote Sara Mejeur 5 m
  C. Student Discipline Decision Vote Sara Mejeur 5 m
IV. Administrative Business 5:22 PM
  A. Administrative Board Report FYI Debbie Deem 5 m
  B. Something To Talk About amendment Vote Debbie Deem 5 m

We were just going to have an SLT be added a 2nd day, but instead we decided to lessen that time and just add 2 hours a week to the current time she already has (8 hours now instead of 6 hours) to help manage the 80 students on the caseload. This results in 5 days of work of SLP and 4 days SLT to manage 85-90 students.


The caseload is now 110 students which is too much for the current plan to manage. We propose to bring in a 2nd team of a SLP and SLT for 16 hours (8 hours SLP and 8 hours SLT a week) to manage 20-25 students. All of this is in-person therapy. 


This will increase the current Speech Therapy agreement by $28,232 for a total of $233,000

V. Policy Updates 5:32 PM
  A. Policy Updates Vote Stephanie Mathers 5 m
  1. Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Reporting Policy updates
VI. Other Discussion 5:37 PM
  A. Discussion Discuss Sara Mejeur 5 m
VII. Closing Items 5:42 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote Sara Mejeur