Ogden Preparatory Academy

OPA Board of Directors Meeting

Published on May 18, 2022 at 10:41 AM MDT
Amended on May 18, 2022 at 3:49 PM MDT

Date and Time

Thursday May 19, 2022 at 4:30 PM MDT


1435 Lincoln Avenue
Ogden UT 84404
VISION: Ogden Preparatory Academy’s vision is to create a positive, nurturing environment for students to grow and learn as they develop the skills necessary to become tomorrow’s leaders. Through high academic expectations and experiences, bilingual exposure, leadership roles and commitment to community, OPA students will gain confidence and a sense of self worth that will prepare them to face the challenges in a competitive world.


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 4:30 PM
  A. Record Attendance   Stefanie Zwygart 1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Stefanie Zwygart 1 m
  C. Approve Minutes Approve Minutes Stefanie Zwygart 1 m
    Minutes for OPA Board of Directors Meeting on April 14, 2022  
  D. Opportunity for Public Input Discuss Stefanie Zwygart 5 m
  E. Consent Calendar Vote Stefanie Zwygart 5 m
  1. Calendar modification. 
    1. Moved registration to August 2, so the principals may attend the Gang conference and be here to support families at registration.
  2. Summer PD Expenses
    1. AVID Conference 
      1. Registration: 7 people at $875 for $6,125
      2. Hotel: $8,828.24
      3. Airfare: $2,401.20
    2. Safe and Civil Schools Conference: 
      1. Registration: 10 people at $1,200 each for $12,000
      2. Hotel: $8,200
      3. Airfare: $3,259.80
    3. Per Diem (all): $5,772
II. Finance 4:43 PM
  A. Financial Review Discuss Spencer Adams 5 m
  B. FY22 Final Budget Approval Vote Debbie Deem 5 m
  C. FY23 Initial Budget Approval Vote Stefanie Zwygart 5 m
  D. Curriculum Discussion Vote Debbie Deem 10 m
  1. Wonders supplement materials: each year grade level teams request Wonders consumable materials. The total amount is typically around $8,000; however, we won't have an exact quote until the requests are finalized.
  2. History Curriculum, 7-9: the history textbooks are have are outdated. We are researching options for updating the curriculum. We are finalizing the selection and quantity, and then we can get a final quote for the purchase. The purchase will not exceed $20,000.

Request that he Board approves the Admin team to make these purchase decisions, and the exact amounts be ratified in a later Board meeting.

  E. Kitchen Equipment Vote Debbie Deem 5 m
  F. Teacher Device Purchase Vote Debbie Deem 5 m

36 i-pads at $299 each

36 i-pad keyboards at $149 each


$16,128 total


10 Macbook Airs @ $799


$7,990 Total

  G. Employee Retention Tax Credit RFP Vote Debbie Deem 5 m
  H. Medicaid Support System Vote Debbie Deem 5 m

Medicaid services and billing provides payment for specific Special Education related services as outlined in Individualized Education Plans. 


  I. Maintenance Purchases Vote Debbie Deem 15 m
  • Painting: up to $22,000 (hallways, stairwells, 7 classrooms)
  • Paint: up to $7,000
  • Carpet; up to $25,000 (7 classrooms)
  • Lighting: up to $37,000 (Elementary)
III. Executive Session 5:43 PM
  A. Enter Closed Session Vote Stefanie Zwygart 5 m

To protect the privacy of an individual.

  B. Exit Closed Session Vote Stefanie Zwygart 5 m
  C. Construction Approvals Vote Debbie Deem 10 m
  1. Construction decision.
  2. Delegate authority to act and ratify.
  3. Underwriter RFP.
IV. Administrative Report 6:03 PM
  A. Administrative Board Report Discuss Administrative Team 15 m

OPA Libraries Annual Report: https://sites.google.com/ogdenprep.org/opalibrariesannualreport2021-2/home

  B. Speech Therapy Agreement Vote Debbie Deem 5 m
V. Policies 6:23 PM
  A. Policy Updates Vote Stephanie Mathers 5 m
  1. Archive the following; content from these policies is being addressed in other policies such as Data Governance, and Social Media:
    1. 2.04 Student Education Records Management
    2. 6.04 Electronic Resources Policy
    3. 6.15 Social Networking Policy
  2. Revise the following:
    1. 3.09.POL Audit Policy
VI. Other Business 6:28 PM
  A. Required Trainings FYI

Annual Trainings for Board Members:
Open Meetings Act - Annually (completed: Bill, Sara, Molly, Jessica)
School Land Trust - Annually (completed: Stefanie, Bill, Jessica, Sara, Molly)

State Auditor Trainings - only once per term. (Completed: Tyler, Sara, Molly, Jessica)

USBE Internal Audit Trainings - only once (completed: Stefanie, Bill, Tyler, Molly, Sara)

  B. Housekeeping Discuss Stefanie Zwygart 5 m

Proposed Meeting Schedule:

  • June - if we need a quick electronic meeting, when would be a good day?
  • July 21
  • August 18
  • September 8
  • October 13
  • November 10
  • January 12
  • February 9
  • March 9
  • April 13
  • May 18
VII. Closing Items 6:33 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting FYI Stefanie Zwygart