Ogden Preparatory Academy

OPA Board of Directors Meeting

Published on October 9, 2021 at 6:26 PM MDT
Amended on October 13, 2021 at 3:47 PM MDT

Date and Time

Thursday October 14, 2021 at 4:30 PM MDT


1435 Lincoln Avenue
Ogden UT 84404
VISION: Ogden Preparatory Academy’s vision is to create a positive, nurturing environment for students to grow and learn as they develop the skills necessary to become tomorrow’s leaders. Through high academic expectations and experiences, bilingual exposure, leadership roles and commitment to community, OPA students will gain confidence and a sense of self worth that will prepare them to face the challenges in a competitive world.


Section Number Topic Number Details
I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Minutes for OPA Board of Directors Meeting on September 9, 2021
  D. Consent Calendar
  1. Ratify votes from the August 12 Meeting:
    1. Go Guardian Site License purchase
    2. i--Ready Site License purchase
    3. Air Purifier purchase and installation
    4. TSI Plan'
    5. Early Learning Plan
    6. Quarantine Policy
    7. ESSER II Revision
    8. ESSER III Plan
    9. School Land Trust Revision
  2. Ratify Votes from Sept 9 Meeting.
    1. Release of Nick Bowsher
    2. Appointment of Mark Swenson
    3. Closed session decision
    4. Chromebook purchase
    5. Smoke/Vape detector purchase and installation
    6. Wellness program purchase
    7. Spain Field trip cancellation
    8. LEA license approvals
    9. Policy reviews/approvals:
      1. Wellness Policy
      2. Electronic Meetings Policy
      3. Concussion Policy
      4. Harassment Policy
      5. Special Education Policies and Procedures
  3. Policies to be reviewed and re-approved
    1. Capitalization and Expense Policy. Last approved 10/8/2008. No updates needed.
    2. E-rate gift policy. Last revised 9/11/2013. No updates needed.
II. Executive Session
  A. Enter Closed Session
To protect the privacy of an individual.
  B. Exit Closed Sesssion
  C. Decision(s) made during closed session.
This is an opportunity for the Board to vote on any items discussed during the closed session that require a Board vote.
III. Finance
  A. Financial Review
  B. Outdoor Learning Center
Teresa Hislop has worked to procure an outdoor learning grant that will match up to $10,000 towards the establishment of an outdoor learning space. We propose adding a pavilion/bowery to the garden which will increase the usage of the garden area as a learning center.
  C. Elementary Sound System
We previously voted on procuring a new sounds system for the Elementary, Changes in the original bid and scope of the project have required enough changes that it is necessary to look at the project again.
IV. Administrative Report
  A. Administrative Board Report
  B. LEA License Approval
See attachment for recommendations and rationale.

Although we prioritize certification in our staffing searches, the current teacher shortage makes it difficult to find highly qualified individuals for all positions.

We ensure all our teachers have the skills necessary to perform their job function. All new teachers work with mentors, academic coaches, and teams to support their teaching. All teachers working toward licensure have a specific plan for obtaining their educator licenses as quickly as possible.
  C. Training on Local Health Trends
It is required annually for the Board of Directors to be trained on Local Health Trends.
Board members will review the attached documentation.
Any questions or discussion will occur during the meeting that the Members determine necessary.
  D. Training on Elementary Signature Programs
V. Policies
  A. Policies
  1. Board Member Agreement
    1. Replaced "Principal" with "School Administration.
    2. This document needs to be signed by each Board Member. We will send it for electronic signature.
  2. Enrollment and Lottery Policy
    1. See redline version attached. Added preference language referring to Exhibit A and Bylaws.
  3. Donations and Fundraiser Policy
    1. See redline version attached. Changes made to reflect rules and recommendations of USBE.
  4. Bullying and Hazing Policy
    1. See redline version attached. Changes made to reflect rules and recommendations of USBE and Title IX.
  5. Personal Use of School Equipment Policy (NEW)
    1. Policy developed to govern requests to use equipment for personal use.
  6. Building Use Policy
    1. Revisions to policy to clarify fees and areas available for use. Clarifies supervisory responsibilities. 
VI. Committees
  A. Board Committees
VII. Other Business
  A. Other Discussion Items
Annual Trainings for Board Members:
Open Meetings Act
School Land Trust
VIII. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting