The Exploris School
The Exploris School Board Regular Monthly Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday June 27, 2024 at 4:30 PM
The Exploris School: Elementary Campus
17 S Swain St, Raleigh, NC 27601, USA
5th Grade Classroom
Directors Present
D. Deaton, E. Buchan, E. Grunden (remote), S. Carothers (remote), S. Darroch, W. McLamb
Directors Absent
D. Hencher, G. Bayo, R. Boyce, T. Void
Ex Officio Members Present
D. Brown (remote), E. Burton, J. Corbat
Non Voting Members Present
D. Brown (remote), E. Burton, J. Corbat
Guests Present
K. Morgan
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
Public Comment
No public comment in person or submitted online. Stephen stated he responded to the comments from the previous meeting.
Board Development: Updates from Rosewood Strategies
Autumn Tomlin with Rosewood provided update on evaluation of potential new school sites.
Noted challenges with traffic queueing for the 104 Fayetteville Street location, but continuing to investigate how this issue could be managed with Capitol Grounds staff.
Discussed St. Augustine location and it was noted that the university is prioritizing buyers who could close in 30-60 days.
Rosewood has met with representatives with 801 Hillsborough St and negotiations are ongoing.
Autumn discussed the traffic issues associated with the Kindley site and it was indicated the traffic load would need to be reduced by 25-30%. City staff continue display support for the concept of downtown schools.
Dana inquired about the cost of a TDM and if we already had this information. Josh indicated a formal TDM is required in order to satisfy City requests. Costs was estimated to be between $10-$20K.
Josh asked if we needed to move forward with a contract for a TDM consultant. Eric Mulata (Rosewood) responded we should wait until Friday (6/28) after they interview consultants.
Autumn indicated the capital campaign should move forward in order to have financing ready for acquisition.
II. Committee Reports
Deborah indicated that more work on the school handbook continues to move forward. A resume was received for a potential new board member.
William indicated the committee did not meet this month, but budget documents were being finalized. It was projected there would be 3.8% surplus, which exceeds the goal (~2 to 2.5%).
William asked about 2 specific items which Koren addressed.
Josh mentioned the asynchronous approval for a salary scale.
Educational Excellence
Eric provided the update regarding the EOG results. Ethan discussed reading EOG trends. Staff will develop a more formal summary report.
Director Evaluation & Support
Stephen indicated the 360 director survey has been issued and the data has been initially reviewed but additional analysis will be forthcoming.
Josh mentioned the staff have given the facilities for a "deep clean" and start repairs as needed. Using the last of the Access Grant staff will acquire additional tables and chairs.
Kaizen update provided in board packet.
III. Meeting Items
Directors Report
Deborah indicated there will be new employee hires for approval, but it has been a challenge to fill an EC position. Stephen asked if our salary was an issue and Josh indicated it was only slightly lower and the caseload would be substantially lower compared to an analogous position in WCPSS.
2 new hires were discussed and approved.
Board Business
Stephen reiterated Mr. Townley is no longer on the board.
Josh asked if we need to move quickly on funding a TDM and staff will need to have the ability to execute a contact on short notice.
Dana mentioned this would be her last meeting.
Section in Finance section needed to be amended to complete sentence regarding bond financing.
Mr. Townley was marked as absent and he has resigned (February 23) and should be removed from the board members list.
Josh noted his name was switched with Ethan on a few comments.
Will also need to confirm names of all those who spoke during the public comments from the previous meeting.
Also add "Finance Committee - refer to board development for more details."