The Exploris School


The Exploris School Board Regular Monthly Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday May 23, 2024 at 4:30 PM


The Exploris School: Elementary Campus

17 S Swain St, Raleigh, NC 27601, USA

5th Grade Classroom

Directors Present

D. Deaton, D. Hencher, E. Buchan, E. Grunden, G. Bayo, R. Boyce, S. Carothers, S. Darroch, T. Void, W. McLamb

Directors Absent

M. Townley

Ex Officio Members Present

D. Brown, E. Burton, J. Corbat

Non Voting Members Present

D. Brown, E. Burton, J. Corbat

Guests Present

K. Morgan

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Darroch called a meeting of the board of directors of The Exploris School to order on Thursday May 23, 2024 at 4:31 PM.


Approve Minutes

T. Void made a motion to approve the minutes from The Exploris School Board Regular Monthly Meeting on 04-25-24.
E. Grunden seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Public Comment

Amber Robinson - expressed concern about school performance and equity issues.  


Karen Kroboth - expressed dissatisfaction with teacher support and overall school performance.  She provided results from a teacher survey. 


Ms. Robinson - expressed concern about her daughter's experience at the school (specifically discipline issues and equality), as well as teacher support.  


Sarah - expressed concern with Exploris hiring practices and potential violation of NC law.  


Ms. Rodriguez - echoed previous stated concerns as well sanitary conditions at school facilities - specifically issues with bathrooms.  


Board Development: Insights on the Development Process from the Facilities Committee

Josh provided update about the Kindly St property.  Currently we are working with Raleigh on a traffic impact analysis.  It was noted that the site does not need to comply with MSTA standards since the surrounding roads are not NC-DOT owned roads.  We are working on a MOU with Raleigh.  Rosewood continues to pursue other options in downtown Raleigh.  


Brent Francese provided additional details about development process for a new school site.  

II. Committee Reports



Ryan provided an update, indicating work on the revised school handbook as well scheduling a board retreat.  



Koren provided the update and indicated they have been working on the draft budget.  Koren mentioned the budget process was challenging due to COVID grant funding no longer being available.  Koren also stated the draft budget includes additional salaries for teacher staff.  Koren requested the budget will include a projected 0.6% EOY projected balance, which is less than the usual 2% - 2.5%.  Deborah asked how this budget would affect the school bond rating and Koren indicated 


Eric asked if there had been any consideration for increasing enrollment.  Josh responded that this has not been considered at this time.  Deborah added a challenge with adding additional students is current space constraints.  



E. Grunden made a motion to accept proposed budget.
D. Deaton seconded the motion.

Discussed other fund raising opportunities.  Stephen brought up the point that we need to communicate with our community that our budget is tight and additional funding is needed.  Tasha suggested this message include which positions would supported.  

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Educational Excellence

Josh - provided updates on benchmark scores (M-Class and MAP) and more information will be available at the next meeting.  


Also provided an update with the PD plan, including recent surveys.  Exploris will use Peaceful Schools.


Josh mentioned progress with the Hiring Team and upcoming hires.  


Director Evaluation & Support

Stephen provided the update and discussed that a 360 survey will be used to help evaluate the Directors.  It was indicated the survey is very close to being finalized.



further updates to be provided in closed session.



Daniel provided the update and indicated they will soon be able to select his replacement as chair of the Kaizen committee.  Daniel indicated they also have planned a Kaizen retreat, which will include review of teacher surveys, developing an equity statement and revisiting the decision making process.  


Tasha recommended Exploris to form a formal DEI committee.  She also suggested teachers should be engaged in development of an equity statement.  Tasha thanked the parent advocacy group for attending the meeting. 

T. Void made a motion to Establish a standing equity, inclusion and diversity committee.
E. Grunden seconded the motion.

It was discussed how community members can get engaged with the committee.  

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Meeting Items


Directors Report

Updates provided in the Director Report.  Stephen extolled the how incredible the Passage Portfolio he attended were.


Josh mentioned a partnership with Shaw University, which included 5 Shaw students embedded as student teachers.  


Josh and Ryan mentioned the advantages of Infinity Campus, which will replace Power School in 2025.


Board Business

Stephen thanked the parent advocacy group and invited them to join Exploris leadership committees.  

IV. Closed Session


Facilities & Legal Items

R. Boyce made a motion to enter into closed session.
E. Grunden seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:25 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
E. Buchan