The Exploris School
The Exploris School Board Regular Monthly Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday May 26, 2022 at 4:30 PM
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The Exploris School Board Monthly meeting will be held virtually only. Please use the information below to join the Zoom call. Participants are asked to use their full names on their screen when signing in.
Topic: The Exploris School Board Month Meeting March 2022
Time: April 28, 2022 04:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Directors Present
A. Cioffi (remote), D. Deaton (remote), E. Buchan (remote), E. Grunden (remote), J. Hwang (remote), L. Friedman (remote), M. West (remote), R. Boyce (remote), S. Darroch (remote), T. Kingsberry (remote)
Directors Absent
A. Rodriguez, C. Napier, M. Townley
Ex Officio Members Present
C. Greer-Banks (remote), D. Brown (remote), E. Burton (remote), J. Corbat (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
C. Greer-Banks (remote), D. Brown (remote), E. Burton (remote), J. Corbat (remote)
Guests Present
K. Morgan (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
April's meeting wasn't held due to not meeting a quorum.
Public Comment
II. Meeting Items
Directors Report
- Monthly Report & Updates:
1. COVID Status & Response
2. Academic Progress
3. Kaizen Initiatives
4. Community Engagement
5. HR Update - Vote: Monthly Required vote on masking policies: Board approval is requested to continue the current Exploris policy of recommended, but not required, masking for both indoor and outdoor activities.
- Vote: Adopt the attached Contract with Venture Rehabilitation Group, Inc. for OT services for SY 2022-23.
Finance Report
An update on the monthly report and budget was provided.
Board Business
1. Calendar discussion for 2023-2024.
2. Date and agenda for a Fall Retreat for the Board.
- a Saturday date in early September 2022 possibly. Deb will start a Doodle poll.
III. Committee Reports
- Director Evaluation and Feedback proposal.
- Pilot a new scoreboard. To be proposed to the Board next month for a vote.
- Board Composition
- We are accepting new applications
- upcoming leadership positions will be discussed and voted on at the next meeting.
Educational Excellence
E.Burton provided an update on testing status and data collection. The School Improvement Plan is also being put together to present to the Board in the coming months.
IV. Closed Session
Facilities & Legal Items
J. Corbat shared that we have selected a location and are in the due diligence period at the moment.
In closed session we discussed updates on the new facility and next steps.
No comments were submitted or brought up during this meeting.