The Exploris School


Annual Orientation

Date and Time

Tuesday July 30, 2019 at 4:30 PM


Middle Campus - 401 Hillsborough St. Rm 7N (upstairs)

Directors Present

C. Greer-Banks, C. Hutchens, C. Jones, D. Deaton, E. Schollmeyer, G. Burnette, J. Jenkins, J. Korreck, K. Byars-Nichols, K. Johnson, M. Leichliter-Rice, T. Kingsberry, T. Miller

Directors Absent


Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

C. Hutchens, M. Leichliter-Rice

Guests Present

Cory Draughon, Deborah Brown, new AD for MS, M. Duncan

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

K. Byars-Nichols called a meeting of the board of directors of The Exploris School to order on Tuesday Jul 30, 2019 at 4:34 PM.
Camesha made a motion to change the agenda for today's meeting to include a closed session after the ED report. Motion passed, and Keely made the addition to the agenda. 


Approve Minutes

K. Byars-Nichols made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 06-18-19 Board Meeting on 06-18-19.
T. Kingsberry seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Public Comment

Michelle offered a thank you to the board, and Debbie introduced herself as new Associate Director of Middle grades. 

II. Team Building and Introductions


Ice Breaker

Camesha introduced an activity for the group to complete as an ice breaker. 
M. Leichliter-Rice arrived.
C. Hutchens arrived.

III. Charter School Funding


Charter School Funding

Cory Draughon from Charter Success Partners gave a presentation about a board member's fiduciary responsibility to the school (to responsibly manage assets). He stressed the importance of asking questions, placing the interest of the school first, following applicable laws and regulations, using funds appropriately (to better organization). 
Other topics Cory covered: differences between Charter & Public School funding, reading financial statements, analyzing cash-on-hand and liquidity.
Several more guests arrived late: Koren Morgan, Karen Rectanus, Leah Perry.

IV. Exploris History


Exploris Hallmarks, Values, Vision

Leah Perry and Karen Rectanus made a presentation about Exploris's history, mission, and vision, including the importance of Project Based Learning, co-teaching, service learning, and global (whole child) education.
The board took a brief break. 

V. Board Expectations and Commitments



Tom addressed the importance of longevity of leadership tenure, common goals, clear expectations, and trust. He clarified that roles of the board are to:
  • Establish and evaluate student outcomes
  • Establish and monitor compliance and policy
  • Approving and terminating contracts
  • Evaluate the executive director
  • Oversee and approve financiese
  • Establish and monitoring org. goals
  • Develop board's ability to understand governance
To renew our charter, we have to be in compliance with current Charter law and policy, student performance (within a certain percentage of Wake County), no significant issues in financial audit.  

There are clear distinctions between roles and duties, i.e. what is a governance decision (mostly board), what are partnership decisions, and management decisions (mostly administrators of the school).  Camesha stressed the importance of board members remembering our role(s). 

VI. Executive Director Report


Academics/ Personnel/ Operations

Personnel: Board approval is requested for the following positions-
  • Associate Director Middle School – Deborah Brown
  • 1st Grade Teaching Partner: Matt Moreland
  • K Teacher: Jessica Thorn
  • Miranda Joseph: Western Governors University Student Teacher working with Ashley Moser in 1st Grade
  • Christina Franklin: World Cultures teacher at the Middle School
  • Board approval is requested to accept the resignation of Laura Lewis and Eugene Wheeler
  • Board Approval is requested for the 2019-2020 Personnel Handbook and Parent / Student Handbook, attached for review and approval. Modifications are highlighted in yellow.
  • Amendments submitted in July to Office of Charter School to update the school mission, vision, values and goals as outlined by the new strategic plan. Documents submitted were provided as part of the Board packet.
K. Byars-Nichols made a motion to approve the hires as listed.
T. Kingsberry seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
T. Kingsberry made a motion to accept the two resignations, as listed above.
C. Hutchens seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Camesha suggested that in the future, the governance committee lead the review policy-related changes to the Student Handbook and Personnel Handbook.
G. Burnette made a motion to approve the Personnel and Parent Handbooks, as revised and included in packet.
D. Deaton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Renovations to 6th grade classroom (ceiling insulation), and newly secured entrances at MS are completed. 
Ellie updated the board on ACCESS grant awarded to the school in the amount of $600,000. Different options are being explored for the best way to use this money, as it is specifically designed to benefit economically disadvantaged students. Food and transportation plans for students are a priority. 



The Finance committee has worked with Charter Success to analyze our monthly budget variance reports and project the latest for end of year activity. There are June bills that have come in during July and still need to be finalized in the end of year accounting during August. At this time, the 2018-2019 end of year surplus is estimated to be $96,291.03. This does not include all end of year expenses that will be finalized within the next month. The balance sheet and income statement along with the YTD 18-19 June budget are included in meeting packet.

Salary savings reflected with the new hires is estimated to be $24,486. We will also realize savings of $22,103 from 6 staff members not electing benefits coverage which was not anticipated. An additional cost savings of $3,677 is reflected in the working copy of the 19-20 budget from a change in provider for our insurance coverages. We switched from Wright Insurance for liability and Eastern Alliance for Workers Compensation and moved coverages to Hanover Insurance umbrella package. The student Accident policy will remain with Hartford Insurance. At this time we are projecting a surplus of 64,289.67. Amendments to the budget will be presented once the updated per pupil allocation is available.

VII. Closed Session


Closed Session to discuss privileged information

K. Johnson made a motion to go into closed session.
T. Miller seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
K. Byars-Nichols made a motion to end closed session.
T. Miller seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VIII. Standing Committee Updates


Development Committee

George reported that they are planning and polling their committee.


Governance Committee

Tom urged folks to join Governance.


Excellence in Education

Katie reports that she is meeting with Frank and Keely later this week. 



Theo gave an update from the developer. We still do not have enough committed investors to break ground. Theo has also started reaching out to folks to explore a Plan B for a location. 

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:57 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Byars-Nichols