The Exploris School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday March 26, 2019 at 4:30 PM


The Exploris School - Middle Campus

Directors Present

B. Kingery, E. Schollmeyer (remote), G. Burnette, J. Frawley, K. Byars-Nichols, K. Furr, K. Harris, K. Johnson (remote), K. Von Weihe, L. Perry-Lawless, M. Mitchell-Neal, T. Kingsberry, T. Miller

Directors Absent

C. Hutchens, C. Jones

Guests Present

A. Northrup, M. Parkerson

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

T. Miller called a meeting of the board of directors of The Exploris School to order on Tuesday Mar 26, 2019 at 4:34 PM.


Approve Minutes

K. Furr made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 02-26-19 Board Meeting on 02-26-19.
K. Byars-Nichols seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Public Comment Opportunity

No public comments were made. 

II. Presentation on Academic Results


Academic Update

Michelle Parkerson and Amanda Northrup (Associate Directors) presented an academic update to the Board on student performance, growth, and the use of data to measure results in the elementary and middle grades.

Included in the presentation, related to RIGOR:
  • "Exploris Glossary" with key terms germane to the school
  • Data sources used to measure educational excellence using the rigor, relevance and relationships framework
  • Specific standardized tests, with acronyms, times administered, subjects and grade levels assessed.
They led the board through several activities and discussions to help explain how data is used to inform teaching practice and strategy. 
Bob asked how the very comprehensive approach to data at Exploris is different than the approach used at Wake County schools. Both Associate Directors said that while the tests can differ somewhat they used data in similar ways when they taught in Wake County schools. 
Amanda let the board know that they assess this sort of standardized data three times a year. She also stated that mid-year data often shows a slump, and that end-of-year shows an upturn. 

The Associate Directors also presented data on professional development, classroom/teacher observations.
On RELEVANCE, the associate directors detailed examples of field work, teacher leadership.
On RELATIONSHIPS, the associate directors presented data related to attendance and behavior reports, staff survey data, school sponsored events.  

III. ED Report


Academic/ Personnel / Operations

  • Michael Gilbert-Singletary is being recommended for the Elementary Administrative Assistant / Power School Coordinator position.
  • Also recommended that we accept the resignations of part-time Elementary Art Teacher Marie Arondeau and part-time Elementary Global Arts Teacher Renee Anderson effective at the end of the 18-19 school year. Marie is accepting a full-time art position, and Renee is starting a new business.
  • Brittney Hartshorn (long-term EC sub) was approved at last meeting has accepted a full-time permanent position with Wake County and will not extend her EC sub role beyond the maternity leave replacement.
T. Miller made a motion to approve the hire of Michael Gilbert-Singletary, effective immediately.
K. Von Weihe seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
B. Kingery made a motion to approve the land lease extension, as stated, to align with the modulars through Dec. 2020.
K. Furr seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Possibly in April, Sonja McKay will present the Center for Innovation Business Plan to the School Foundation Board on February 20, 2019. The Business plan is included in the Board packet for your review.
K. Furr made a motion to maintain Thomas, Judy and Tucker as auditor and tax prepared for school and foundation, for the price proposed.
B. Kingery seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.



After reviewing the year to date expenditures and projecting future impacts, we are projecting an end of year surplus of $84,961. The balance sheet and income statement along with the YTD budget are attached for your review.

IV. Facility Updates


Building Updates

The developers are still shooting for a Spring groundbreaking, but inability to secure funding persists. The school's presence in the building seems to be a major barrier for lenders accepting this project. 
The board had consensus that we need to set a deadline for securing funding with SFLA, then decide to look for alternatives. 

V. Committee Updates


Governance Committee

Kelly reminded board members to recruit new board members. 


Educational Excellence Committee

At the last (January) EEC meeting, the following updates were provided:

Grant opportunity - Ellie shared that the school is going to pursue a large grant through the state that would help provide supports for ED students. The grant has been submitted, and several members from EEC helped with the project.

Action items for future committee discussion include:
  • Funding for student supports (meals, scholarships, etc) since Spicy Green has not generated the revenue anticipated to cover meals
  • Additional recommendations for equity training for staff (and board)
  • Parent and family engagement (partnering with PTO for events, sponsoring book reads, etc), ongoing Town Halls
  • Making information and communication more accessible to all families  
Equity and Diversity Committee (subcommittee of EEC) did face-to-face and targeted electronic recruitment efforts leading up to the lottery. 

VI. Closing Items


Closing and Commitments

Ellie will update board members on strategic presentation, budget, business plan for Center for Innovation.
Kimberly will also include a PTO update. 


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:22 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Byars-Nichols