The Exploris School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday May 22, 2018 at 4:30 PM


Middle School

Directors Present

A. Hennen, B. Kingery, C. Hutchens, C. Jones, J. Frawley, J. Gerdts, K. Byars-Nichols, K. Furr, K. Von Weihe, M. Mitchell-Neal, T. Miller

Directors Absent

C. Gray, L. Perry-Lawless

Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

B. Kingery

Ex Officio Members Present

E. Schollmeyer

Non Voting Members Present

E. Schollmeyer

Guests Present

M. Gargan

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

T. Miller called a meeting of the board of directors of The Exploris School to order on Tuesday May 22, 2018 at 4:30 PM.


Approve Agenda

K. Furr made a motion to Approve.
K. Von Weihe seconded the motion.
The motion unanimously did not carry.


Approve Board Meeting Minutes April

T. Miller made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 04-24-18 Board Meeting on 04-24-18.
K. Furr seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Public Comment

The group agreed to make formal introductions of guests that are staff and committee members and continue to be mindful and intentional of norms of public comment moving forward.

II. 2018-2019 Budget Discussion


2017-2018 Budget Review

Ellie recommended using $31,655 to fund ES renovation and security upgrades, freeing up next year's operating budget.
Christine moved to approve, Keely seconded. Motion amended to be up to $35,000 to pay for ES security and renovation. Motion passed unanimously.


ED Contract extension Discussion: Closed Session

To discuss confidential matters related to contract negotiations, the board moved to go into closed session (Tom made motion, and Kelly seconded, motion unanimously passed). Kelly moved to come out of closed session, Camesha seconded, motion passed.


2018-2019 Budget Presentation

Corey from Charter Success presented our 18-19 draft budget (which included comparisons with 17-18 approved, EOY projection, and YTD activity).
B. Kingery arrived.
There were budget discussion around:
  • PTO budget (the extent to which School would fund PTO). Upon PTO rep request, Ellie suggested we fund PTO for one more year using Capital Campaign and Foundation funds. Board also requested that the PTO resume Soap Sale as fundraiser for the coming year, as well as other ideas. 
  • Technology plan: the school does not have enough Chrome books. Ellie suggested that we allocate funds out of reserves to purchase four more carts (120 Chrome books).
  • Bob moved to approve to use reserve funds to purchase Chrome books up to $36,000. Camesha seconded. Motion passed.
  • Keely urged to board to be equally generous when discussing feeding kids healthy lunches. The board agreed.
  • Christine agreed that revised budget (incorporating all items discussed) for June meeting.

III. EEC Diversity -Weighted Lottery


Presentation Of Recommendations

Keely presented an update on Equity and Diversity (see attached). The committee will have to bring a revision to lottery policy due to new information we learned about how revision had to be presented to Office of Charter Schools and State Board of Education.

IV. ED Report


ED Report

Ellie presented three new hire requests. Kelly moved, Kim seconded, motion passed. Ellie stated that all of her other updates are in her attached report.
Ellie requested closed session to discuss personnel issues. Tom moved to go into closed, Kelly seconded, board approved. After discussion Keely moved to come out of closed session, Kelly seconded, board approved.
James presented on his experience going on the Outward Board trip. He urged board members to take advantage of the opportunity to join this experience.

V. Governanace Committee Update


2018-2019 Board Calendar

T. Miller made a motion to approve board meetings as proposed.
K. Furr seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Appointment of Officers for 2018-2019 year.

Kelly plans to put forward officers for next year as follows: Tom (President), Camesha (Vice Chair), Christine (Treasurer), Keely (Secretary).
Camesha presented information about three potential board members the committee would like to bring forward for approval at the next board meeting.


ED Evaluation Update

Tom updated the board on the process for evaluating Ellie, which is underway.

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

T. Miller made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
C. Hutchens seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
T. Miller