The Exploris School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday November 28, 2017 at 4:30 PM


Middle School

Directors Present

B. Kingery, C. Gray, C. Hutchens, C. Jones, J. Frawley, J. Gerdts, K. Byars-Nichols, K. Furr, K. Von Weihe, T. Miller

Directors Absent

M. Mitchell-Neal, S. Burroughs

Guests Present

M. Gargan, R. Wingo

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests

Cori was also in attendance from MS faculty. I need to add her to BoT.


Call the Meeting to Order

K. Byars-Nichols called a meeting of the board of directors of The Exploris School to order on Tuesday Nov 28, 2017 at 4:30 PM.


Approve Board Meeting Minutes 10/24

K. Furr made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 10-24-17 Board Meeting on 10-24-17.
C. Hutchens seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Public Comment

Remi asked the board to keep Passage Portfolios in mind in the Spring.

II. Education Excellence


Review of Weighted Lottery Policy

Keely reviewed current policy.

In October 2015, the board voted to add to Strategic Plan Goal 1.4 [1.2] that by 2021, the student population of The Exploris School community will reflect the demographic composition, racial and socioeconomic, of the general population of Wake County.
Further, we voted to adopt the proposed Lottery Policy to include weighted lottery with the following targets:
  • Year 1 (16-17) is 8%
  • Year 2 (17-18) is 10%
  • Year 3 (18-19) is 15%
  • Year 4 (19-20) is 20%
  • Year 5 (20-21) is 25%
to reflect total student enrollment) for economically disadvantaged students and to seek State Board approval for the new Lottery Policy.
These percentages in the policy would equate to the total population of students in the school meeting the “Economically Disadvantaged” criteria. The current school rate is 8% with more data to collect. As a result, there would not likely be a “Weighted Lottery” for enrollment in 2016-2017. There is still work to be done in regards to planning and fiscal resources to support goal 1.4 of the strategic plan.
She also announced that Diversity Subcommittee would be offering a presentation in January Board Meeting to educate the board on our process and rationales. At that time we will take questions and concerns back to committee.


Update on EEC and Diversity Subcommittee Plans

Keely made the following recommendation: that a stand-alone ad hoc committee be created (ED Support and Evaluation). Further, she suggested that a revised process be implemented for Spring.

Tom, Kim and Jessica all volunteered. Tom and Ellie agreed that 5/1 would be a reasonable end date to complete the ED evaluation.

III. ED Report



K. Byars-Nichols made a motion to accept Ellie's recommendation to hire Lauren Connelly and move Chris Blacker from .75 to full-time.
K. Furr seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Organization Update (Academics, Operations and Finances)

Ellie outlined data on student growth (see attached) and steps the team in making to ensure student success.
She also updated us on safety protocols, recent DPI conversations and requests, and the capital campaign. 
Ellie also presented several findings that required an amendment to the 2018-2019 budget. Tom moved to accept these changes and they were unanimously accepted.

IV. Governance Committee


Recommendations of policy changes

B. Kingery made a motion to accept minor revisions to 1) tuition and fees and 2) lease agreement policies.
T. Miller seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Review of HOS Goals and Supplementary Bonus

T. Miller made a motion to approve HOS/ED goals as attached for the 2017-2018 school year.
K. Furr seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Tom stated that he would be sure that the ED Support and Evaluation Committee created an assessment tool that uses these goals. Tom assured the group that he would be sure that the committee would make the goals measurable and determine how Ed bonus is associated with these goals.

V. Closing Items


Meeting Schedule and what is most important the next 60 days

Staff Holiday Gathering: Dec. 11 from 4-6 at Boxcar. Board is invited.

Board "Retreat" Meeting for Feb. 27 meeting, 4-7, off-site location TBD

Budget policy revision?
EEC Presentation
Clarify "Retreat"


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:08 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
T. Miller