The Exploris School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday July 25, 2017 at 4:30 PM


Exploris Middle School campus - 401 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh NC

Directors Present

B. Kingery, C. Gray, C. Jones, J. Frawley, J. Gerdts, K. Byars-Nichols, K. Von Weihe, M. Mitchell-Neal, T. Miller

Directors Absent

C. Hutchens, K. Furr

Guests Present

M. Gargan, M. McWay, M. Parkerson, S. Burroughs, S. Hardy

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests

Keely recorded attendance.


Call the Meeting to Order

T. Miller called a meeting of the board of directors of The Exploris School to order on Tuesday Jul 25, 2017 at 4:35 PM.


Approve Minutes from last Board Meeting

Move approval of minutes to next month since BOT was having technical difficulties linking last month's minutes to this month's agenda.


Approve Agenda

S. Burroughs arrived.
T. Miller made a motion to approve agenda.
B. Kingery seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Public Comment



Tom invited board members to introduce themselves to the group of guests at the meeting.

III. ED Report


New item

Mary and Maggie and a group of five students gave a presentation about the German Exchange Program.


New item

K. Byars-Nichols made a motion to approve the three candidates as presented: Chris Blacker – IT Specialist, Karen Mollins –Teaching Partner, Oliver Smith – PE/Wellness Teacher (.8FTE).
J. Gerdts seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


New item

Ellie offered a detailed presentation (see meeting agenda packet) that covered student standardized testing results over the last five years, as well as general key points from the teacher working condition survey results. 
Ellie offered a detailed presentation (see meeting agenda packet) that covered the strategic plan and student standardized testing results over the last five years, as well as general key points from the teacher working condition survey results. She also offered the outline of her action plan for 2017-2018 which included: ensure academic needs of all students are met, improve working conditions for all staff, develop wellness plan for students, create more opportunities for PD, develop opportunities for more written and face-to-face communication, roll-out annual teacher evaluation process, launch capital campaign, improve development and PR efforts, develop new strategic plan team (this current one takes us through 2018).
§  Ensure needs of all students are met with rigorous differentiated curriculum and project based learning experiences aligned with standards
§  Curriculum Map by Content Area
§  Vertical & Horizontal  Alignment  of Curriculum
§  Introduce Social Skill & Emotional Wellness plan for students
§  Focus on continued improvement in school climate & culture to ensure retention of top teachers
§  Provide opportunities for teacher leaders & PD for all
§  Increase communication & connection with staff & community – P&G Nights
§  Develop Marketing Communications Plan & Slogan
§  Personal, Team, and School Goal Setting

§  Instructional Rounds for coaching & best practices
§  Rollout New Teacher Observation & Coaching Plan
§  Launch Capital Campaign
§  Purposeful Collaborative Planning & PLCs
§  Data Divers – Academic Excellence (Quantitative & Qualitative)
§  Enrollment Planning to Reflect Community
§  Professional Development
§  Community Partnerships and Global Needs
§  Green Team – Sustainability, Facilities & Campus Beautification
§  Development, Marketing, & Public Relations
§  School Improvement Team
§  Center for Innovation
§  Create Vision for the Future and New Strategic Plan

IV. Finance Committee Update


New item

Ellie reported that we successfully spent out our state and federal money. We have a $225,323 surplus, which does not include any account or invoices not resolved from 2016-2018 AY. Additionally, we have a reserve of $840,300.75, which results in a total trust/reserve of $1,065,623.86.
Ellie also reported that state funding was less than projected, so our 2017-18 AY budget is short approximately $50,000.
She feels confident that she and her team can trim the budget and adjust enrollment in ways to account for this deficit.




Kim and Tom suggested a clearer policy about attendance during the first few weeks. Ellie agreed.
Ellie also suggested that next year we create clearer policies projecting our allotment numbers to the state, so we are not limited in our enrollments numbers/funding, AND that we consider holding a lottery for 8th grade.

V. Committee Updates and Actions


Facilities Committee Update

Bob confirmed that we are still on track for the school to be ready for 2019-2020. We are still waiting on building permit, which is dependent on City of Raleigh issues that arise, often unexpectedly.


Committee Structure

Each committee reported on their progress and plans for the year ahead.


Governance Committee Priorities


Education Excellence Committee

Currently this committee consists of Keely Byars-Nichols (Chair), Frank McKay (parent), Remi Wingo (Staff), Leah Perry (Staff), Steven McLeod (parent), Amy Fitzgerald (parent), Javier (Parent), Amanda Northrup (Staff), Michelle Parkerson (Staff). Keely suggest that perhaps the committees be pared down to perhaps a more manageable size: 2 parents, 2 staff, and 2 board members. She needs one board member to volunteer to serve as chair next year.

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:39 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Byars-Nichols