The Exploris School

Monthly Finance Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday May 16, 2024 at 3:30 PM EDT


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 3:30 PM
  A. Opening Remarks   Koren Morgan 3 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Josh Corbat 1 m

Agenda attached to this section. 

  C. Approve the Minutes from the Last Meeting Approve Minutes Koren Morgan 1 m
II. Finance Committee Agenda 3:35 PM
  A. Review and discussion of monthly financial packet/reports Discuss Koren Morgan 15 m
  B. Requests for the Finance Committee that we need to address from the board Discuss Koren Morgan 5 m
  C. Requests from the Finance Committee we would like to present to the board Discuss Koren Morgan 5 m
  D. ~3 month outlook for upcoming significant or unusual transactions Discuss Koren Morgan 5 m
  E. Other items related to bonds/budget/audit/990/legal/contracts Discuss Koren Morgan 5 m
  F. Finance Committee Items related to the Foundation or PTO Discuss Koren Morgan 5 m
  G. Facilities financing - Short-term bridge financing and long-term financing Discuss Koren Morgan 5 m
  H. All other Finance Committee items Discuss Koren Morgan 5 m
  I. Notes on status of local funding, outstanding AP items, etc. Discuss Koren Morgan 5 m
III. Closing Items 4:30 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting FYI Josh Corbat 1 m