The Exploris School

ASYNCHRONOUS | Monthly Finance Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday April 20, 2023 at 3:30 PM EDT


I. Opening Items
  A. Opening Remarks
  B. Call the Meeting to Order

Agenda attached to this section. 

  C. Approve the Minutes from the Last Meeting
    Approve minutes for Monthly Finance Committee Meeting on March 16, 2023
II. Finance Committee Agenda

Full agenda attached above.

  A. Review and discussion of monthly financial packet/reports
  B. Requests for the Finance Committee that we need to address from the board
  C. Requests from the Finance Committee we would like to present to the board
  D. ~3 month outlook for upcoming significant or unusual transactions
  E. Other items related to bonds/budget/audit/990/legal/contracts
  F. Finance Committee Items related to the Foundation or PTO
  G. Facilities financing - Short-term bridge financing and long-term financing
  H. All other Finance Committee items
  I. Notes on status of local funding, outstanding AP items, etc.
III. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting