The Exploris School

July Education Excellence Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday July 19, 2022 at 4:30 PM EDT


I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order

The full agenda to the meeting is linked here.

II. Education Excellence
  A. School-wide Schedule (10 minutes):


The Exploris School is in the process of creating a coordinated K-8 schedule linked here


This will allow:

  • A scheduled time each day for the intervention team to co-teach with every grade-level.
  • Staggering instructional blocks of ELA/Math core instruction allowing Exceptional Children’s teachers to support more in-class services throughout the day.
  • Provide the Student Support Team with designated time during intervention/extension to teach social-emotional learning skills.
  • Coordinated time on Friday afternoons when middle school electives can engage with K-2 students during elementary school Explorations.
  B. Flex Days/Asynchronous Days (20 minutes):


  • 2022-2023 School Calendar linked here
  • Scheduled for 9/27, 11/4, 1/27, 3/31 and 5/18
  • Purpose and alignment
  C. Attendance Policy for Absences for Extracurricular Activities (20 minutes):


  • See Attendance Policy from Student and Family Handbook in Addendum below. Also linked here on page 37 of the Exploris Student and Family Handbook
  • Linked here is the Attendance Policy on the Exploris Website.
  • NC Attendance Law General Statute linked here
III. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting