The Exploris School

Governance Committee

Monthly Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday March 10, 2022 at 3:30 PM EST


Section Number Topic Number Details
I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve previous meeting minutes
II. Governance
  A. Responsibilities

Governance Responsibilities

  1. Analyze board needs/skills and experience
  2. Create a short and long-term board recruitment strategy
  3. Succession plan for board officers
  4. Recruit candidates / develop a slate of trustees for consideration by the membership - annual meeting
  5. Board recruitment
  6. Orientation and training plan
  7. Board retreat
  8. Board member handbook
  9. Board-level goals
  10. Executive evaluation
  11. Evaluate the effectiveness of board meetings/recommend improvement
  12. Annual evaluation of the full board
  13. Annual evaluation of committee and the objectives
  14. Input/update to key documents: Charter, Bilaws, Handbooks, etc.
  B. Board Read Out

Plan/discuss items to report to Board during next meeting

  C. Updates needed for key/Governing Documents

Governing Documents requiring updates
Status of updates/resources needed

Work on/review any updates ready/available



III. Other Business
  • Discussion of draft process documents for Director evaluation
  • Identified pilot Director and participants (Board Chair or Vice Chair, Board Members with and without Education expertise, others?
  • Action items/dates for completion prior to board meeting
IV. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting