The Exploris School

The Exploris School Board Meeting for Aug. 25th, 2020

Date and Time

Tuesday August 25, 2020 at 4:30 PM EDT




I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
II. Interim Leadership Report
  A. Personnel and Operations
  • Board approval is requested to move Matt Moreland from the position of teaching partner to the 50% counselor position
  • Board approval is requested to move Michelle Parkerson from 50% Instructional Coach to 75% Instructional Coach, due to: 
    • The intense support required by remote learning
    •  5 new teaching teams at the Elementary School
    • 3 new teachers and one new teaching partner to support
  • Board approval is requested for Landscaping Contract with DiPasquale $5,830.00 yearly  ($485.83 per month for landscaping and lawn services) (Contract is in the Board packet.)
  • Culture & Climate recommends entering a contract with CTQ for C&C work, using funds already approved for their work. (Contract is in the Board packet.)
  • Update:   We have resolved the two questions re: Citywide Contract for school cleaning and based on last month’s provisional contract approval, Board approval is requested to finalize that contract
  • Membership with CAI (Proposal is in the Board packet)
  • Updates on the school reopening
  • Counseling updates
  B. School Opening
Updates on the school opening
  • workweek and PD
  • Drive-by Meet the Teacher Night 
  • Opening days status & updates
  C. Finance
III. Committee Reports
1. Governance
2. Facilities
3. Educational Excellence
4. Equity & Diversity
5. Finance
IV. Other Business
  A. Board Development
  • Meeting Calendar for 2020-2021
  B. Closed Session
  • Personnel 
  • Legal Issues
V. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting