The Exploris School

Governance Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Monday January 27, 2020 at 4:00 PM EST


Middle School Campus


I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Approve minutes for Governance Committee Meeting on November 18, 2019
II. Governance
  A. Updates on Fall Work
Grievance Policy Updates: recently we encountered a grievance and identified one issue in the policy as written (training for the board to effectively handle a grievance). 


Board has scheduled training over the next 45 days to meet this goal. Policy needs to be less rigid in terms of the timelines. 


Executive Evaluation: Last meeting we discussed potential questions for the CEO evaluation. We will wait for the third party consulting team to advise the board on next steps. 


Policy Updates: 
  B. New Members
We have four prospective committee members. See resumes. 


We would need to make a recommendation to the board on the terms (start and end date) for these potential voted on members based on our current membership terms. *Eligible for additional term


Member                    Rolling Off Date
Camesha Jones .        June 30, 2020*
Christine Hutchins       June 30, 2020* (Served previously as PTO Rep)
Theo Kingsberry          June 30, 2021*
Tom Miller                    June 30, 2021
Keely Nichols Byars    June 30, 2021
Katie Johnson             June 30, 2021*
George Burnette         June 30, 2021*
Jay Korreck                 June 30, 2022*




  C. Policy Discussion and Recommendations (Criminal Backgrounds)
Our insurance provider, Hanover Insurance recently completed an audit on our school facility and operations.  One of the items highlighted in their report was the need for a more thorough background check policy and procedure for volunteers.  Their requirements are outlined below.  


I would like this to be a priority agenda item at our next governance meeting so that we can make plans for the future.  Please let me know when you would like to schedule the next meeting for our committee.  Thanks so much.




Hanover Insurance :



  2019-11-003 Work with Minors - Screening and Training 
As an organization whose operations include instruction or programming for minors your hiring process should include the following controls: 
1) A thorough screening process including the most comprehensive criminal and sex offender background checks available to you by state law conducted on any volunteers working with minors. 
2) A written no tolerance policy communicated to volunteers, stating the agencies awareness of the potential for abuse, and the volunteers responsibility in preventing it.
 3) Written operating procedures on the steps that will be taken, to promptly investigate, respond and report any allegation of abuse 4) Volunteers receive training on identifying the signs of abuse and reporting incidents of abuse.  


III. Other Business
IV. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting