The Exploris School

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday April 30, 2019 at 4:30 PM EDT


The Exploris School - Middle Campus


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Minutes for Board Meeting on March 26, 2019
  D. Public Comment Opportunity

The Exploris Board desires to hear from their stakeholders. Members of the general public are provided three (3) minutes of time to state a concern or bring ...

  A. Legal Update
III. Strategic Plan
  A. Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan:
Board approval is requested for the 2019 – 2024 Strategic Plan
Final Draft of the Strategic Plan is attached for your review
IV. ED Report
  A. Academic/ Personnel / Operations
Academic  Update:
MAP Testing – April / May
mClass Testing – May 6 - 28
EOG Testing Window – May 6 – June 7th

Personnel and Staffing Update:
Positions to be filled:
6th grade Teacher – Final 2 candidates  - on site visits in progress
K Teacher – Candidate Screening and 1st Round of Interviews scheduled
Connected World – part-time – potential final candidate
Art – ES – part-time – potential final candidate
One New EC position is projected to be added to meet the increase in EC needs
Board approval is requested for the 2019 – 2024 Strategic Plan
Final Draft of the Strategic Plan is attached for your review

Board approval is requested to install a ceiling at the MS on 1st floor
Middle School 6th Grade classrooms – installation of ceiling proposal to reduce noise and improve safety.
RL Pullen – coordinated by Hedgehog Holdings- Total cost - $17,940

May 1st – school Closing –
29 teachers submitted leave requests as of 4/11/19 to participate in the education march in Raleigh
  B. Finance
 2018-2019 Budget
The Finance committee met to review the year to date expenditures and project future impacts.  Based on YTD activity, we are projecting an end of year surplus of $78,154.11.  The Board should begin discussions about how to allocate the EOY surplus.  The balance sheet and income statement along with the YTD budget report are attached for your review.

2019-2020 Budget
The Finance committee met on 4/3 to discuss the projections for the next year.  The 2019- 2020 Budget first draft is attached for your review and discussion.  The projected surplus is estimated to be $ 15,076.31 which assumes $100,000 in revenue from annual fund contributions.  Cory Draughan will be attending to review the budget proposal with the Board.  Staff salary projections for teachers were calculated using the 2018-2019 state salary guide plus the Exploris School supplement outlined in the ED Report.  The average of teacher salaries is $ 56,410, with an 8% average increase based on the 18-19 state salary guide.  Teaching assistants are projected to receive a 5-6% increase based on the 18-19 state salary guide. Admin and support staff are projected to receive a 3% increase.  Please review the details of the budget and email any questions you may have in advance of the board meeting so that we can be fully prepared to respond and provide additional details.
V. Center for Innovation
  A. Business Plan Presentation

The Center for Innovation "EDEx Collaboratory" Business plan is attached in the Board packet for your review.  Board discussion and review of the business plan and determination of recommended next steps.

VI. PTO Updates
  A. PTO Quarterly Update
PTO Online auction in progress.
Exploris Family picnic May 4, 2019 at 12 pm at Roberts Park
Key positions unfilled for next year: President Elect, Annual Fund

2019-2020 PTO Budget Attached for your information.
VII. Facility Updates
  A. Building Updates
The board will receive updates based upon meetings over the last 30 days. 
VIII. Committee Updates
  A. Development Committee
The Development committee will share their structure for the upcoming fiscal year.
  B. Governance Committee
Provide updates to the board in regards to board openings, officers and recruitment for the 2019 year.  The governance committee fielded a survey to gauge parent/guardian opinion on volunteer background checks and willingness to cover cost of background checks.  The results of the survey are attached in the Board packet.

Dates: 4th Tuesday or Last Tuesday?
Meeting number (8 or 10?)
State minimum is 8 (Retreat still could count)
  C. Educational Excellence Committee
IX. Closing Items
  A. Closing Items and Commitments

The next Board meeting will be held on May 28, 2019 - 4:30 pm at the Middle School.

  B. Adjourn Meeting
X. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting