The Exploris School

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday March 27, 2018 at 4:30 PM EDT


Middle School


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Agenda
  D. Approve Board Meeting Minutes February
    Minutes for Annual Retreat on February 27, 2018
  E. Approve Minutes from Special Meeting 3/5
    Minutes for Special Board Meeting on March 5, 2018
  F. Public Comment
The Board will allow for opportunity for comments from the public.

Individuals will be provided three minutes of time to state their comment. There will be no rebuttal or discussion. 

Comments shall be focused on issues identified by the public as areas for growth for the organization. 
Public comments should not be grievances regarding staff members or leadership. These issues should be brought to the operations team. 
II. ED Report
  A. Academic Update
Japan Cultural Exchange - Students will present highlights from their recent trip to Japan

Academic Results - Amanda and Michelle will present a mid-year review of academic progress
  B. Operations
Board approval requested for Emergency Procedures Manual shared at February Retreat

  C. Personnel
Board approval requested for Guidance Intern from NYU for the remainder of the year to work with students and support school counselor.
Update Board on reorganization of staff to support increase in EC students at elementary.

  D. Capital Campaign and Center for Innovation

Update on Capital Campaign Results
Update on Staff Progress on Center for Innovation

  E. Closed Session

The board will go into closed session to consult with our attorney regarding legal matters.

III. PTO Update
  A. PTO Requests Update

PTO Rep Alissa Hennen will provide an update on the PTO's goals and financial requests from Exploris. 

IV. Finance Committee
CEO Support and Eval
  A. Finance Committee
Review Monthly Results and YTD Financials
Review 5 year projection information shared at the March retreat 
Approve State 17-18 Salary Guide as base for Exploris Salary plus Exploris Supplement
V. Retreat Commitment Updates
  A. Short Updates

The board will receive updates from the commitments and discussion from the retreat:

Kelly: Board Recruitment and Officer Positions
Bob/Ellie: Current Facility Contracts
Christine: Foundation Board


VI. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting