The Exploris School

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday November 28, 2017 at 4:30 PM EST


Middle School


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Board Meeting Minutes 10/24
  D. Public Comment
The Board will allow for opportunity for comments from the public.

Individuals will be provided three minutes of time to state their comment. There will be no rebuttal or discussion. 

Comments shall be focused on issues identified by the public as areas for growth for the organization. 
Public comments should not be grievances regarding staff members or leadership. These issues should be brought to the operations team. 
II. Education Excellence
Education Excellence
  A. Review of Weighted Lottery Policy

The board will hear an update from the EEC in regards to the weighted lottery policy that was approved locally in 2016. 

  B. Update on EEC and Diversity Subcommittee Plans
III. ED Report
CEO Support and Eval
  A. Personnel
Board Approval is requested to appoint Lauren Connolly to the position of EC teacher at the elementary campus replacing L. Ellis-Beard.

Board Approval is requested to modify the position of Chris Blacker IT Specialist from .75 FTE to Full time.
  B. Organization Update (Academics, Operations and Finances)
IV. Governance Committee
  A. Recommendations of policy changes
  B. Review of HOS Goals and Supplementary Bonus

The Board will vote on the goals for Ellie Schollmeyer and potential bonus opportunity from her signed contract. 

V. Closing Items
  A. Meeting Schedule and what is most important the next 60 days

December Meeting?
Holiday Get Together?
Strategic Retreat?

What is the most important goals we achieve as a board before June 2018? What will the next 60-90 days look like?

  B. Adjourn Meeting