The Exploris School

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday September 26, 2017 at 4:30 PM EDT


Middle School


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order

The meeting will begin with a call to order by the Board Chair. 

  C. Approve Minutes

Please be sure to read the minutes and offer comments to Keely prior to September 19 if possible. 

    Approve minutes for Board Meeting on August 22, 2017
  D. Public Comment

Members of the public will have three minutes per speaker to share comments with the board (maximum 5 speakers). 

Presenters are encouraged to write down their comments and submit them to the board and contact information following their time. 

Note: Since this is a meeting of a public body there will not be a response to the comment. 

Any comment will be followed up with in a timely manner from the Executive Director or a member of the Board. 

II. Development and Facilities Updates
  A. Development Chair Update
  B. Facilities Chair Update
III. Executive Director Report
Education Excellence
  A. Executive Director Monthly Report

ED Report Attached Highlighting Updates in the following areas

  • Academic
  • Operations
  • Capital Campaign
  • Enrollment
  • School Goals
  • Study Teams
  • Executive Director Goals - separate document
  • Staff Feedback Survey Results at end of August
  • Budget Update
  B. Budget Update
Amend projected revenue from Wake County Schools to reflect the EOY projection.  This would increase revenue from $935,000 budgeted to $991,712.88.  Net surplus based on current EOY projections is $59,077.
  C. Strategic Discussion: What will the parents see five years from today?
Members of the board will discuss the following question:

What will the parents see September 26, 2022

The board's key responsibility is to be strategic and have a vision of where we are going. Let's begin with this question to begin mapping out the next five years for Exploris and its stakeholders. 
IV. PTO Report
  A. The Board will hear a general report from the PTO Chair
V. Board Committee Updates
  A. Governance Committee Update

The Governance Committee will provide a short update from their September meeting and commitments for the upcoming quarter.

  B. Educational Excellence Committee
  • Keely will submit for board approval two documents: 1) an educational excellence vision and goals statement and 2) a list of possible means of measuring excellence (see attachments to agenda).
  • Keely will also let the board know about the EEC's subcommittee on Diversity.
VI. Closing Items
  A. Commitments for October

The board will review and acknowledge the commitments made during the September meeting and set the tasks to accomplish. 

  B. Adjourn Meeting