The Exploris School

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday April 25, 2017 at 4:30 PM EDT


Exploris Middle School campus - 401 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh NC


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes from Board Meeting 3/28
  D. Approve Special Board Meeting Minutes 4/5
  E. Approve Emergency Board Meeting Minutes 4/7
II. Public Comment
III. Public Comment
IV. Discussion of Possible "Listening Sessions"
  A. Possible Board "Coffee Meetings" with Faculty
V. ED Report
CEO Support and Eval
  A. Restructure Proposal

Remaining Items (not approved last meeting):


  • ED job duties and responsibilities narrowed
  • Creation of Associate Director/ Principal at Elem & Middle
  • Director of C&I & Director of Operations positions absorbed by:
    • ED and Associate Directors
    • Charter Success
    • Office and Data Managers
  B. Misc Updates
  • Behavior and Student Safety Procedures update
  • Parent Feedback survey update
  • Hiring progress on positions approved last month (counselor, PT ESL, EC teacher). Also: ESL
  • IT and 8th grade
VI. Transition Committee
  A. Update on process and timeline
VII. Facilities and Development
  A. Update
Philanthropy and capital campaign, info session and public launch, foundation status
VIII. Finance
  A. Update
  • General Update carried over from last month.
  • Discussion of budget allowance for new ED salary.
  • See DRAFT budget above in Restructure Proposal agenda item.
IX. Governance
  A. Elect New Treasurer
  B. Elect New Grievance Committee Member
  C. Grievance Policy

The grievance policy has been amended and vetted by the Governance Committee and presented for review and questions. The goal will be vote for action in May. 

X. Discussion of Closed Session Items Special Meetings
  A. Discussion of Personnel Items from 4/5 and 7
XI. Closing Items
  A. Items for Next Meeting
Grievance Committee proposal
Academic Excellence Committee Proposal (Definitions and Measurements)
  B. Adjourn Meeting