The Exploris School

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday February 28, 2017 at 4:30 PM EST


Exploris Middle School campus - 401 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh NC


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Agenda
  D. Approve Minutes From Last Meeting
Draft minutes from the January meeting. Minutes were shared out through Board On Track.  You can go into the January meeting to view or download the minutes.
  E. Approve Kim von Weihe as new Board member
II. Public Comment
III. Presentations
  A. FY 16 Annual Audit
  B. Meeting the Needs of ALL Learners
IV. ED's Report
  A. Charter Performance Framework

Document Attached.

  B. Philanthropy Updates
External Campaign - Letter out to 24 Steering Committee Invitees.  Luncheon at York Properties on March 20.
Internal Campaign (current families and alum)
  • Family hosted information sessions around the Triangle (Apex, Downtown, North Raleigh, Cary, etc.)
  • Alum Social Media survey 
  • website update with page for Facilities Updates
V. Committee Reports
  A. Governance
Approve By-Law Revision to increase membership to 15 total Directors
  B. Finance


1. Motion to Approve and Authorization to file the 2016 tax returns as presented and reviewed.

2. Motion to convert the “Paypal” account to a money market account instead of a checking account.  This will allow for our capital to earn money market rate interest.  Once the account has been converted, I’ve recommended renaming it “Reserve” Account.  

3. Motion to transfer $500,000 from the operating checking account to the newly named Reserve Account. (assumed approval of motion #2)
Note: James Gerdts and Summer Clayton are the only two signatories on the Exploris accounts.  As a result these changes need to be signed for, in person, by one of the two of them.

4. Motion to approve the Finance Committee Job Description as presented (attached).

  C. Facilities

Attached is the Avison Young Marketing Packet

  D. Educational Excellence
VI. Closing Items
  A. Future Agenda Items
  B. Adjourn Meeting