Reach Cyber Charter School Board of Trustees

Reach Cyber Charter School

Published on March 14, 2024 at 6:13 PM EDT

Date and Time

Wednesday March 20, 2024 at 9:00 AM EDT


750 E Park Drive, Suite 204

Harrisburg, PA 17111


A zoom link will be posted on this page on the day of the board meeting for those attending virtually.


I. Opening Items
  A. Roll Call
  B. Call the Meeting to Order David Taylor
II. Public Comment

The Board welcomes participation by the members of the public both in-person and telephonically. To address an item on the agenda, before the scheduled start of the meeting, an individual must provide their name and short description of the agenda item on which they wish to comment to the Chair, along with any materials they want to have distributed to the Board. Individuals who wish to address the Board telephonically must contact the Principal or Board President by phone or by email at least twenty four (24) hours before the scheduled start of the Board meeting. If the individual wants to provide any written materials to the Board, these should be emailed to the Principal or Board President at least twenty four (24) hours before the scheduled start of the meeting. The total time for any individual to present, either in person or via telephone, on an item on the agenda shall not exceed three (3) minutes, unless the Board grants additional time.

Individuals desiring to make a formal presentation to the Board on an item not on the agenda but desiring it be placed on the agenda must provide notice and written submissions detailing the subject of the presentation to the Principal or Board President at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting. Any such presentations shall not exceed fifteen (15) minutes in duration, unless otherwise permitted by the Chair.

III. Routine Business
  A. Approval of Agenda David Taylor
IV. Oral Reports
  A. CEO's Report Jane Swan

Monthly Enrollment Report

  B. Human Resources Update Michael Garman

Staffing Report


  C. Financial Report Karen Yeselavage
V. Consent Items
  A. Approval of Minutes from the February 21, 2024 Board Meeting
  B. Approval of Staffing Report
  C. Approval of invoice for Summer Learning Kits

Summer Learning Kits are distributed to returning and newly enrolled K-9 students during the summer months to promote hands-on learning and prevent summer learning loss. They include grade appropriate learning materials, including a workbook, books, flashcards or manipulatives, and pencils. 

  D. Approval of Invoices for Learning Kits Stephanie Lane
VI. Action Items
  A. Approval of Invoice from PowerSchool for Naviance Training JD Smith

Provides for a training to learn about Naviance and how to maximize the information being gathered from student input.Topics would include:

  • Self Discovery and how we can see student responses
  • Goal setting
  • Using Reports
  • Work-Based Learning
    How do we know when students sign up?
    How can we maximize the use of this feature?
  B. Approval of Quote for Canvas Credentials JD Smith

Canvas Badges for students Uses:

  • Recognition of Achievements
    Canvas Badges can be used to recognize and celebrate students' achievements in different areas.
    These achievements can include completing a project, demonstrating specific skills, participating in extracurricular activities, or meeting certain milestones.
  • Skill Development and Mastery
    Badges can be awarded to students as they progress and demonstrate mastery in specific skills or competencies.
    This can be particularly valuable in areas where skills are incremental, such as language learning, coding, or research methodology. 
  • Gamification and Engagement
    Incorporating badges into the learning process can add an element of gamification, making the learning experience more engaging and enjoyable.
    Students can earn badges for classroom participation and skill demonstration. 
  • Portfolio Building
    Canvas Badges can be included in students' resumes, portfolios, or online profiles to showcase their accomplishments and skills to potential employers or educational institutions.
    These digital badges provide verifiable evidence of the knowledge and abilities students have acquired, making their credentials more credible and attractive.
  • Personalized Learning Pathways
    Badges can be used to create personalized learning pathways for students.
    As students earn badges in certain areas, instructors can recommend or unlock new learning opportunities, resources, or advanced topics.
    This allows students to follow their interests, explore different pathways, and engage in self-directed learning.

Credentials K12 Use Cases - Google Docs

  C. Approval of MOU for Myth Author Career Mentoring JD Smith

Myth Author Career Mentoring 


Students who participate in this program will:


● MS: Participate in 4 1-hour sessions, HS: Participate in 4 1.5-hour sessions

● Understand and articulate the roles and responsibilities of key players in the publishing process, including agents, editors and publicists.

● Assess their own appetites for self-promotion related to the work of publishing a book, including blogging/vlogging, maintaining social media presences, etc.

● Speak to the major publishing categories and which of those are of most interest to them.

● Understand all of the ways an author’s work is monetized, including speaking events and film rights.

● Decide if author, specifically, is the part of the publishing process that most interests them.

● Determine the writing process which will best support their publishing goals, establish creative routines and create an author about me page.


For 10 students or fewer, each programming fee will be $10,000. For 10 to 15 students, each programming fee will be $13,000. For 15 to 20 students, each programming fee will be $15,000.

  D. Approval of MOU for We, Not Me: Middle School Business Career Mentoring JD Smith

a. This career exploration experience is geared toward 7th and 8th graders

b. Students will participate in 8 workshops at 1 hour each

c. Students who participate in this program will be able to:

        i. Design a website, craft a business plan, and pitch it to investors. Each student will present their business idea to a small group of investors with varying amounts of tokens. Their company will be represented by a website with a logo and a slogan.


· For 10 students or fewer, programming fee will be $9,000, a fee inclusive of up to 25 hours of (non-mandatory) individual assignment and portfolio review and/or coaching sessions for interested students.


· For 10 to 20 students, programming fee will be $11,600, a fee inclusive of up to 30 hours of (non-mandatory) individual assignment and portfolio review and/or coaching sessions for interested students.


· For 20 to 25 students, programming fee will be $14,200, a fee inclusive of up to 35 hours of (non-mandatory) individual assignment and portfolio review and/or coaching sessions for interested students.


· For 25 to 30 students, programming fee will be $16,800, a fee inclusive of up to 40 hours of (non-mandatory) individual assignment and portfolio review and/or coaching sessions for interested students.

VII. Information Items
  A. Government Affairs Update Bravo Group
  B. Outreach Update Scott Stuccio
  C. Teaching and Professional Development Update Andy Gribbin
VIII. Strategic Planning
  A. Proposed $10 million Fund Balance Reserve Karen Yeselavage
IX. Executive Session

Pursuant to 65 Pa. C.S. §§ 708(a)(1) – to discuss any matter involving the employment, appointment, termination of employment, terms and conditions of employment, evaluation of performance, promotion or disciplining of any specific prospective public officer or employee or current public officer or employee.

X. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting

Adjournment and Confirmation of Next Meeting – Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.