Alma del Mar
Governance Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Friday May 24, 2024 at 10:00 AM
Committee Members Present
D. Melo (remote), D. Prentiss (remote), G. Fortes (remote), T. DeLoach (remote)
Committee Members Absent
C. Bator, C. Wood, H. Chew, Y. Dennis
Guests Present
B. Kurie
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
Roll Call | |
T. DeLoach |
C. Wood |
D. Melo |
Y. Dennis |
H. Chew |
G. Fortes |
D. Prentiss |
C. Bator |
II. Governance
Review Board Demographics
Potential New Board Members
Monthly Board Meeting Timing
REDI Plan Updates
Reviewed REDI Plan Priority 3: Board Committee Capacity & Decision-Making: To ensure equitable access, amplify underrepresented voices, and promote Race, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (REDI) in decision making.
Goal A (each committee, some Governance specific, some full board): Empower governance committee to ensure that individuals on committees feel they have a strong voice.
Strategy 1: Prioritize intentional board committee recruitment to increase board capacity and REDI impact.
Strategy 2: Develop a structured and intentional process for committee member selection that ensures representation from diverse backgrounds and perspectives.
Progress Indicators for these Strategies:
- Board grows to 15 members by September 2024.
- Board demographics: 70% people of color and at least 50% New Bedford residents.
- Committees are populated with at least 3-4 people per committee by June 2024.
- Implement consent agenda by fall 2024- Gail and Dave will present on this at eh May Board meeting
Alma Strategic Plan Update
Bellwether was the only organization that responded. Taylor will follow-up with them. Hope to vote on this at the June Board meeting.
765 Church St.
We are entering into a purchase and sale agreement. More info to follow soon.
III. Other Business
Staffing Update
We will be looking for a new principal; hope to have the position filled shortly.
At the end of the Board meeting we will adjourn into executive session to discuss Taylor’s contract.
Reviewed new Trustee recruitment- a few names have been submitted, need to finalize board meeting date and time before moving forward; may also need to change day and time of committee meetings. Dave will discuss this at next week’s meeting. Need someone with development and finance experience, also need a parent of an alum. Gail will review board terms to see if anyone is terming off this year. Also need to think about officers for next year