Alma del Mar
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Friday September 23, 2022 at 9:00 AM
Virtual, on Zoom
Trustees Present
C. Arnold (remote), C. Bator (remote), C. Holley (remote), G. Fortes, I. Almeida (remote), J. Baptist (remote), L. Hicks (remote), M. Bride (remote), Y. Dennis (remote)
Trustees Absent
A. Cortez, M. Rosario, V. Brown
Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened
G. Fortes, L. Hicks
Guests Present
B. Kurie (remote), T. DeLoach (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
Roll Call | |
C. Arnold |
M. Bride |
J. Baptist |
V. Brown |
I. Almeida |
Y. Dennis |
C. Bator |
L. Hicks |
G. Fortes |
A. Cortez |
C. Holley |
M. Rosario |
Executive Director's Report
Board Dashboard
T. DeLoach noted that while our daily attendance is higher than last school year, it is still lower than we would like. Leadership is keeping a close eye on attendance and preparing to make necessary steps to bring rates up.
C. Bator asked about emergency removal situations. T. DeLoach explained that those situations are a way for scholars to be dismissed for the day due to safety concerns, and is not directly connected to suspension decisions.
II. Development
Draft Development Calendar
M. Bride noted the importance of bringing prospects and supporters back into the schools to interact with our scholars and staff.
Draft DevComm Goals
M. Bride requested that Trustees bring any leads for new committee members
III. Finance
FY23 August Financials
C. Holley reported that no changes have been made to the financial forecast partially due to a conversion of software and expenses being recorded in September rather than in August. August was a "soft close" due to this, but moving forward that will be much tighter.
FY22 Audit
FinComm will receive the audit for review and presentation in October. Trustees are encouraged to attend the October FinComm meeting to directly participate in the audit presentation.
IV. Governance
Board Retreat Update
Board Retreat focus will be on DEI training with Chante Chambers. C. Arnold requested that any reading assignments be communicated in advance to ensure trustees have ample time to read.
8:30-9 am Coffee and pastries
9-9:30 am Annual Board Meeting (FY22 audit review)
9:30-12pm Board Retreat
12-1pm Lunch (B. Kurie will send out menu options for everyone to select)
Board Annual Assessment
Monday, Sept. 26 will mark the beginning of the two-week window for all trustees to take the board annual assessment. It will then be reviewed briefly at the annual board meeting in October.
Board Member Recruitment
G. Fortes reported that there will not be any new nominations to the board in October, but the board will review and decide on officers.
Committee Goals
Committee goals should be finalized in October and be in support of our DEI priority.
V. Academic Excellence
Academic Report
C. Hicks reported that it's been a strong start to the new school year. The committee discussed staff professional development opportunities and preventing mid-year departures. She also reported that while Alma does have a number of novice teachers this year, they are being surrounded by veteran teachers and coaches to support their instruction, curriculum, classroom management and professional development.
T. DeLoach reported that DESE will lift the embargo on MCAS data on Thursday, Sept. 29
VI. Other Business
CEO Evaluation Committee update
J. Baptist reported that the midyear review will occur in January.
T. DeLoach reported that our schools are off to an incredibly strong start and that Back to School Night was Thursday night and everyone enjoyed themselves.