Alma del Mar
Finance Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Christine Fisher is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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I. | Opening Items | |
A. | Record Attendance | |
B. | Call the Meeting to Order | |
C. | Approve Minutes | |
Approve minutes for Finance Committee Meeting on March 18, 2022 | ||
D. | Approve Minutes | |
Approve minutes for Finance Committee Meeting on April 25, 2022 | ||
II. | Finance | |
A. | April 2022 Financials | |
Balance Sheet: -No major changes, still waiting for final requisition. -FY22 Entitlement Drawdowns and ESSER I and II will be recorded as receivables at end of May.
P&L: -Forecasting $1.5million surplus as of end of April. This does not include cash outlays for capitalized purchases of $176,000 (Chromebooks, laptops, library furniture) -May financials will include a finalized summer payroll accrual and finalized grant revenue. Nutrition program will still be estimated. Contingency will be released to lines over budget (not funded by ESSER) or added to the surplus. -Suggest Fincom approves budgeted $40,800 transfer to Replacement & Renewal Fund for FY22. |
B. | Construction Project Rec | |
**DRAFT** Reconciliation of Douglass Project and Funds/Sources. -Final requisition due this week. -Finalize reconciliation. -EFF will sign off on a FINAL-FINAL requisition which will allow a transfer of remaining loan proceeds to Foundation Operating account and temp restricted for Impact. |
III. | Other Business | |
IV. | Closing Items | |
A. | Adjourn Meeting |