Alma del Mar

Development Committee

Published on November 17, 2021 at 8:47 AM EST

Date and Time

Friday November 19, 2021 at 9:00 AM EST


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
II. 2020-2021 Development Committee Goals
  A. Strategic Priority & Goal Setting
  1. Fundraising
    1. Secure the funding necessary to fill the FY22 operating budget
    2. Manage funding needs menu for prospective donors
      1. Before School Care & Afterschool Programming
      2. Frederick Douglass Campus “library”
        1. 3D printer(s)
        2. Green screen
        3. Video camera and sound equipment
      3. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion/Anti-Bias Anti Racism work
        1. DEI consultant contract (2nd year!)
        2. Teaching & culturally responsive classroom materials
    3. Support in identification and cultivation of funding opportunities
    4. Support Trustees in their Development activities
  2. Refresh materials & messaging to keep supporters close
    1. Alma is a school in, and of, New Bedford
    2. Resilience throughout the pandemic, focusing on acceleration, not remediation, this school year
  3. Identify a new committee chairperson

III. Impact Campaign
  A. Fundraising Status Update
Annual Fundraising 
Capital Fundraising
Special Projects Fundraising
  B. Calendar of Events/Activities


Happening NOW = Annual Report & Appeal Mailing


December = Ribbon Cutting Save the Date


*Tentative* January 10, 2022 = First Day of school in new Frederick Douglass Campus


January 21, 2022 = Ribbon Cutting at new Frederick Douglass Campus (Donor - focused)


February 9, 2022 = Public Speaking Competition for Alma middle school scholars 


February 13, 2022 = Frederick Douglass Day // Grand Opening of new Frederick Douglass Campus
    *New Bedford Historical Society to host community reading of Douglass' work
    *Alma scholars may lead tours of the school with attention on the art mural and informational graphics
  C. Ribbon Cutting Planning
Friday, January 21st at 10 AM


Speakers: Taylor DeLoach (Principal), Jan Baptist (Board Chair), Lee Blake (NB Historical Society President)


Alma Scholar and/or Family Participation is in the works


After ribbon is cut, everyone is invited inside for coffee and refreshments


Scholars present the informational plaques that have been written by them and included in the art mural installation in the cafeteria


*How do we recognize our donors during this event?
*Is there an activity or moment to commemorate with our donors?


  D. Alma/New Bedford video review
New draft of our video!
IV. Other Business
V. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting