Alma del Mar

Board of Trustes

Published on September 22, 2020 at 5:08 PM EDT
Amended on September 24, 2020 at 3:58 PM EDT

Date and Time

Friday September 25, 2020 at 9:00 AM EDT


I. Opening Items
  A. Good and New!
  B. Welcome to Alicia Cortez!
  C. Record Attendance
  D. Call the Meeting to Order
  E. Approve Minutes
    Approve minutes for Board of Trustees on August 28, 2020
II. Executive Director
  A. Organizational Dashboard
  B. Update on the launch of Stage 1 of Reopening
  C. Current Considerations Regarding Stage II of Reopening
Current strategy regarding K-1 return to in person 
Current Data on COVID-19 in MA and NB
Available data on school reopening and COVID-19
Impacts of Disruptions to Learning
Family Needs Survey Data
Rate of Opt In/Out for In Person Learning
Staffing for In Person Instruction
Space Limitations
  D. Update on Racial Equity Team
  E. Charter Renewal Timeline
  F. Organizational Chart for 2020-21
III. Academic Excellence
  A. 20-21 School Year Calendar
  B. Academic Excellence Goals
IV. Development
  A. Development Update
  B. Development Committee Goals
V. Finance
  A. Finance Update
Finance Highlights:
DESE has published updated tuition projections for FY21 this week which includes a 1.9% adjustment for inflation. The overall impact is an increase of $345k in tuition over budgeted.
Governor's budget will likely be approved in October and if any additional federal relief funding is available, there will be an adjustment made to tuition. This adjustment would occur in December when DESE typically adjusts rates.
On the expense side, the main driver is salaries. As of now, there are 4 unfilled positions at Douglass Campus and 3 unfilled positions at Ottiwell Campus. These positions will likely remain unfilled until the School resumes in-person learning. The forecast in the Q1 financials will be adjusted for this cost savings.
Q1 Financials will be provided at next month's meeting.
  B. Finance Committee Goals
  C. EFF Loan Closing Update
Closing is scheduled for Friday 9/25 with a "soft" close on 9/23. Legal calls have been very productive and the Team (Affirmative Investments, Partridge Snow & Hahn, EFF attorneys, Title Co., and Boston Private) has worked together collaboratively to pull together and review all the necessary documents. Signature packets are scheduled to be sent to signers on Friday 9/18!
  D. FY20 Audit Update
VI. Governance
  A. Governance Committee Goals
VII. Alma Real Estate
  A. Douglass Construction Update
VIII. Other Business
IX. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting