Lighthouse Community Public Schools

LCPS Board of Directors - Regular Meeting (February 2nd, 2022)

Published on January 29, 2022 at 10:31 PM PST

Date and Time

Wednesday February 2, 2022 at 6:00 PM PST


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I. Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
  B. Land Acknowledgement
Honor Native Land - we are on Ohlone land and want to acknowledge native peoples and our ancestors this evening.
  C. Record Attendance
  D. Board findings pursuant to Government Code Section 54953(e)

The LCPS Board of Directors determines, in accordance with Government Code Section 54953(e)(1)(B), that meeting in person would present imminent risks to the health or safety of attendees. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54953(e)(3), the Board has also reconsidered the circumstances of the State of Emergency declared by the Governor on March 4, 2020, and finds the State of Emergency continues to directly impact the ability of the Directors to meet safely in person and/or that State or local officials continue to impose or recommend measures to promote social distancing.


LCPS Board of Directors approved this on 1/28/2022 and will review the findings every 30 days.  

  E. Open Forum, Public Comment on Agenda or Non-Agenda Items, and Introductions

No individual presentation on agendized or non-agendized items shall be for no more than three (3) minutes and the total time for this purpose shall not exceed fifteen (15) minutes.  Speakers requesting translations will have six (6) minutes to present.  

The Board will hear public comments, and Identify next steps as needed.

II. Consent Items
  A. Approve Minutes: Special Board Meeting - January 28, 2022
  B. Financial Statement Packet
Recommended Action: The Finance Committee has reviewed these materials and recommends approval of the Finance Committee packet as part of the Consent Agenda



III. Discussion and Approval Items
  A. LCPS COVID-19 Health and Safety Updates
  • Updated COVID Dashboard:
  • Update on  OUSD's student vaccination (12+) policy and LCPS's next steps:
  • Current COVID Testing and Support Plan:


  B. LCPS Organizational Priorities, OKRs, and Academic Update
  • AAC Committee Meeting Update - 1/20/2021
  • Organization Priorities and OKR Dashboard:
  • Academic Update:
  • WASC Update:  
  C. Supplement for the Annual Update for the 21-22 LCAP Year

California’s 2021–22 Budget Act, the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, and other state and federal relief acts have provided local educational agencies (LEAs) with a significant increase in funding to support students, teachers, staff, and their communities in recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic and to address the impacts of distance learning on students. Section 124(e) of Assembly Bill 130 requires LEAs to present an update on the Annual Update to the 2021–22 LCAP and Budget Overview for Parents on or before February 28, 2022, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the governing board or body of the LEA. At this meeting, the LEA must include all of the following:


  • The Supplement to the Annual Update for the 2021–22 LCAP (2021–22 Supplement);
  • All available mid-year outcome data related to metrics identified in the 2021–22 LCAP; and
  • Mid-year expenditure and implementation data on all actions identified in the 2021–22 LCAP.


When reporting available mid-year outcome, expenditure, and implementation data, LEAs have flexibility to provide this information as best suits the local context, provided that it is succinct and contains a level of detail that is meaningful and accessible for the LEA’s educational partners. The 2021–22 Supplement is considered part of the 2022–23 LCAP for the purposes of adoption, review, and approval, and must be included with the LCAP as follows:

  • The 2022–23 Budget Overview for Parents
  • The 2021–22 Supplement
  • The 2022–23 LCAP
  • The Action Tables for the 2022–23 LCAP
  • The Instructions for the LCAP Template


As such, the 2021–22 Supplement will be submitted for review and approval as part of the LEA’s 2022–23 LCAP

  D. Enrollment 21-22 After-Action Review and 22-23 Process Improvements

Key Items:

  • Summary of key challenges that impacted our Enrollment this school year
  • Process Improvements for Yearly Enrollment and Admission cycles
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  E. Finance Update

Key Items:

  • Budget Dashboard - Enrollment, ADA, Revenue, Cash
  • FY22 Highlights
  • Budget Development Update

Note: Our charter authorizer, OUSD, requires board approval of Second Interim Reports.   (Special Meeting on 2/25/2022)

  F. Finance - 2022-23 Budget Planning Overview: Teacher Compensation (Part A)

Key Items for Discussion:

  •  Revenue considerations:  Enrollment, ADA, and Legislative Updates
  •  Budget variables to shape Teacher Compensation Strategy
  • Teacher Base Salary Analysis
  • Next Steps
  G. Update on Unhoused Students Initiative:

Notice of Concern for LCPS regarding Lottery Procedures for the 2021-22 SY

  • OUSD's Notice of Concern for Lighthouse
  • OUSD's Notice of Concern for Lodestar
  • LCPS Response to OUSD 1/21/2022


Data Review

  •  Last year: 12 Students / This year: 52 students
  • Applications 19 unhoused applicants / 530 applications
IV. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting

Next Meeting:

  • Special Board Meeting in February (2/25/22) to approve 2nd Interim Financials and Teacher Salary Rubric Resolution
  • Regular Board Meeting on 4/13 from 6pm to 8pm at Lighthouse