Oakland Military Institute, College Preparatory Academy
Regular Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday December 12, 2024 at 4:00 PM
Address: 3877 Lusk St. Oakland, CA 94608
Room: B104, B Side Building
In response to the expiration of Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-29-20, which temporarily suspended provisions of the Brown Act relating to public meetings, the Board will resume in-person board meetings.
In Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, those requiring special assistance to access the board meeting should contact Carlos Rodriguez at crodriguez@omiacademy.org. Notifications of at least 24 hours prior to the meeting will enable Oakland Military Institute to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the board meeting.
Directors Present
A. Campbell Washington, D. Clisham, J. Brown, J. Wire, M. Baldwin, M. Mares
Directors Absent
S. Bryce
Guests Present
24 additional participants, C. James, C. Rodriguez, J. Pike, J. Welcome, K. Wong, M. Streshly, M. Traver, S. Lipsey
I. Opening Items
Roll Call
Call the Meeting to Order
Public Comment
Ordering of the Agenda
II. Approval of Consent Items
Minutes of November 14, 2024 Regular Meeting
OMI Bank Account Activity (November 1, 2024- November 30, 2024)
Personnel Report
New Contracts
III. Cadet Commander Report
Cadet Commander Report
C/LTC Jose Delgado Castillo began by explaining that because OMI is a college preparatory academy, it is the school's duty to expose the cadets to colleges and opportunities that will benefit them in the future.
OMI cadets that applied to UC Davis were given a chance to go to the school on a field trip to see the school first hand.
The middle school teachers devised a new way to have a parent-teacher conference. Middle school cadets would invite their parents to the school, give them a presentation about what they have learned in the past semester, and gain presentation skills in the process.
Some of the senior cadets, at the time of the board meeting, were accepted to some of the UC and CSU schools that they applied to. Seniors that want to attend private schools will have a chance to submit applications in December.
A special shout out was given to C/CSM Darlin Diaz-Velasquez because she was appointed by sitting Senator Butler to the United States Airforce Academy.
IV. Superintendent's Update
Superintendent Update
Dr. Streshly began by expressing to the Board of Directors and the board meeting attendees that we will be celebrating the five honorees for their contributions felt in the school. OMI staff wanted to keep the new annual tradition alive by honoring some of the staff members that have made an impact at OMI throughout the last year. The five honorees were:
Valmiria Amaya
Cynthia Murphy
Mark Basnage
Miyoung Kang
SSG Grant Neal
V. Staff of the Year Recognition Ceremony [Intermission]
The ceremony started at 4:16pm and ended on 4:42pm following with a recess for the reception.
The reception started at 4:42pm and ended at 4:56pm.
VI. Information/Discussion Items
Monthly Math Report
Jonathan Pike began by letting the Board of Directors know that OMI, through the help of Governor Brown's donations, has implemented a handful of tutors that will be helping with mathematics.
The tutoring program will be focusing on the grades that take the tests. Scores will be checked and the cadets will be grouped by level.
Cadets will be pulled out during Military Science one day a week on a rotating basis, rotating set of cadets. The sessions will be 1.5-2 hours a week. The cadets will also be pulled out of their Math Plus class for tutoring.
Saturday school and after school opportunities are being worked on to increase the amount of tutoring the cadets are getting in preparation for the end of the year testing. The tutoring time is designed to get the basics understood while the cadets have the regular class show them grade level content so the cadets are getting both levels of content.
Mr. Mares asked about 7th period potentially being an option to more tutoring opportunities. OMI staff has considered it but some cadets have jobs and other responsibilities so we have to take that into account. The cadet athletes are being tutored after school by Mr. Murray in order to maintain the eligibility to play. OMI staff sent notifications to the parents saying that before school tutoring is offered now as well.
Mr. Mares asked if Mr. Pike could look into the volunteer tutors that could be sent from UC Berkeley as an option as well.
Financial Update
Jessika Welcome explained in her presentation that enrollment and attendance remain steady in month 4. This trend staying consistent would allow for a strong P-1 report and would help the cashflow.
The operational cash balance was maintained above the one month payroll line because of the influx of the CD funds.
OMI is currently at a holding pattern because Jessika and OMI staff are waiting on the Governor's preliminary budget.
Jessika mentioned that Prop 2 was passed and that charter schools had $600 million allocated. OMI would have to have a project in mind and apply for funding.
Technology Update
Mark Basnage gave the Board of Directors a breakdown of the technological advancements that he has overseen since he returned to OMI as well as in the year.
The school's technology was antiquated and needed to be updated in many aspects. The wifi was slow and was being throttled by faulty equipment. Mark worked with the wifi vendor to replace the necessary servers to update speeds.
The school's phone system was very inconvenient. New hardware and software was updated and now after school calls do not have to go to a staff member's phone.
OMI had significant trouble in times when end of the year testing came around. With the implementation of new technological advancements at OMI, testing has been easier to administer.
Since the last update, two alumni came back to work with the technology department and have been instrumental in the smooth roll out of technology services.
In 2025, Mark sees replacement programs for chromebooks, staff computers, and network infrastructures.
Student Recruitment Plan for 2025-2026
CMSgt Thomas James began by mentioning that Odua Isibor from The Media Company joined in on the meeting as he is part of the recruiting process.
CMSgt James mentioned that he anticipates 386 cadets being enrolled once the seniors graduate. He anticipates that he wants to reach roughly 290 candidates to fill out the numbers for recruitment.
The number of engagements that each new prospective candidate gets should have different impressions every time instead of the current constantly same content shown.
OMI has to provide more than just academics to be enticing to more candidates. OMI implemented extracurricular activities, sports and other things to make the school more of an attractive destination to spend middle and high school years.
Dr. Streshly mentioned that a family with all of their children came by themselves without being exposed to the media rollout to get a tour of the school. The family was surprised that their initial thoughts of the school were different from the reality and were pleasantly surprised.
Marc Mares mentioned that keeping the academics high will be helpful to bring in an influx of candidates.
VII. Action Items
Approve Final Audit Report
Kyle Holtz began by explaining that there were no findings in the audit. He mentioned that the OMI transition from back office provider SchoolAbility and EdTec was smooth and he had an easy time working with all three companies to get the necessary materials for the audit. There was a main audit and a Measure G1 Parcel Tax audit in which both had no findings.
Approve BP 5141.52 Suicide Prevention Policy
Approve BP 5145.3 Sexual Harassment - Student Focused Policy
Approve BP 6158 Independent Study Policy
Approve BP 6164.4 Independent Educational Evaluation Policy
VIII. Standing Item: Review Board Meeting Quorum for next meeting
Board Member Attendance Confirmation
Gov. Brown: Yes
MG Baldwin: No
Ms. Washington: Yes
Mr. Mares: No
Mr. Wire: Yes
Ms. Foster: Yes
Mr. Bryce: Yes
Mr. Clisham: ?
Alternate Board Meeting Date for February Meeting.
The date of February 20, 2025 was asked to be considered because some of the OMI staff that engage in the board meetings will be at the Community Engagement Initiative conference. The responses of some of the board members.
Bryce: no
Wire: no
Washington: yes
Mares: yes
IX. Board Member Comments
Board Member Comments
OMI staff need to have exact OMI verbiage for the policies that are presented to the Board of Directors so everything fits for the school. Marc Mares will be helping Shawna Lipsey with this.
X. Adjourn to Closed Session
Adjourn to Closed Session
The regular board meeting was adjourned to enter closed session at 5:51pm.
XI. Reconvene to Open Session
Reconvene to Open Session
The board meeting was reconvened to open session at 6:01pm.
No actions were taken in the closed session.
There were no public comments at this board meeting.