Kairos Academies
Kairos Academies Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday November 21, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Virtual: Google Meets
We invite you join us at this Zoom link. This notice was published at www.kairosacademies.org/board at least one day prior to the meeting.
Directors Present
A. Jackson (remote), A. Trapp (remote), K. Owen (remote), N. Plair (remote), W. Young (remote)
Directors Absent
A. Sullivan, M. Vachow
Directors who arrived after the meeting opened
K. Owen
Ex Officio Members Present
K. Graham (remote), S. Bauer (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
K. Graham (remote), S. Bauer (remote)
Guests Present
B. Jackson (remote), J. Irby (remote), J. Krewson (remote), L. LeComb (remote), M. Chavers (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Public Comment
Mission Statement
Vision Statement
Reviewed Kairos Vision Statement
Approve Cycle 1 Board Agenda
II. Facilities Committee Update
VOTING ITEM: Facilities Committee Goals
Facilities Goals are still being discussed and finalized, will review at next Board Meeting
Chief Strategy Officer Updates
Secured the new market Tax Credit $4.5M
Option A: Blue Hub and Lisk going in on the loan together, Lisk has a special product at 3% interest, $8M at 7.8% Interest
Option B: Equitable Facilities Fund (EFF) - 4.5% interest
We are through initial intake with Bluehub and Lisk. They will go through complete underwriting, it will take about 3 months
For EFF we would use Lisk, we would need a terms sheet from EFF
Difference between two options $250,000 year over year. Between 1.6M and 1.9M depending on Net
Owners Rep for Construction Project:
- Allows us to hire someone on Kairos side to check construction work and development to ensure the project stays on task
- We have evaluated the bids on the proposal
- 2 Options based on our ratings
- Waiting to confirm hours and distribution of time over the course of the project
- Option 1: Building Hope
- Option 2: QPD and HKW
Chief Operating Officer Cycle Reflections and Updates
Discussed Current Enrollment
507 Students enrolled, 96% to budgeted goal
ADA is 80.38% MS, 80.05% HS
- 227 students at MS
- 280 students at HS
Change below 10%
Original Goal
MS - 342
HS - 360
III. Program Committee
VOTING ITEM: Programing Committee Goals
Reviewed Program Committee Goals:
- Identify at least one new trustee Program Committee member
- Create a board-level dashboard for postsecondary school success
- Strengthen efforts to support middle school growth and excellence
Chief Schools Officer Cycle Reflections and Updates
Khalil provided updates on overall progress of MS and HS
IV. Finance Committee
VOTING ITEM: Finance Committee Goals
Reviewed Finance Committee Goals
- Achieve a clean financial audit for fiscal year 2023-2024
- Approve the 2025-2026 budget by June 30, 2025
- Enhance financial reporting and transparency
- Diversify revenue streams and increase funding efforts
- Committee needs to determine how success will be measured
Finance Committee Goals are tabled until the next board meeting
Areas for Improvement:
- Establishing systems and controls to hold budget managers accountable to the budget they agreed to at the beginning of the year
- We need to do a better job at establishing processes for the Bid process for RFPs
- Putting rigor and discipline around diversifying our revenue streams
Chief Administrative Officer Cycle Reflections and Updates
Approval of September Financials
- Reviewed Executive Summary
- Reviewed September Monthly - Statement of Activities
- Reviewed September Monthly - Statement of Cash Flow
- Reviewed September Monthly - Balance Sheet
V. Governance Committee Updates
VOTING ITEM: Governance Committee Goals
Reviewed Governance Committee Goals:
- Complete semi-annual and annual evaluation of CEO
- 85% of board members meet their annual commitments
- Execute two training programs in the next year for the full Board + advisory team
- Recruit and onboard a Treasurer before the beginning of the next school year
VOTING ITEM: MCPSA Charter Model Policies
The following Updates to MCPSA Charter Model Policies
- Personal Financial Disclosure
- Official School Year And School Day Model Policy
- Identification Cards Model Policy [only required for schools that serve pupils in
grades 7-12 and issue school IDs]
Tom has reviewed the Updates and has no concerns.
VI. Executive Committee
Executive Committee Goals Update
- Executive Committee has opted out of Committee Goals for this school year
- PTA - A number of parents are organizing what would be some form of a PTA.
- They have yet to determine at what level they will form
- The Board will provide the parents with information, resources and guidance
VII. CEO Office Updates and Reflections
Introducing Master BOY Ready Folder
- If you have not scheduled Connection time with Khalil, please follow up with Stella to schedule before EOY
- Khalil shared the Source of Truth Document with the Board
- Stella reviewed the Operating Mechanisms and Goals & Metrics Folder of the Master BOY Ready Folder
- Operating Mechanisms - This folder helps keep track of standard operating mechanisms across teams
- Goals and Metrics - Updated cycle by cycle, this ensures we're staying on track with goals and metrics throughout the year
- Stella reviewed the Operating Mechanisms and Goals & Metrics Folder of the Master BOY Ready Folder
- Strategy/Task Force Team have conducted 2 meetings discussing the best pathway to move forward with guiding questions for Kairos, discussing what kind of organization do we want to be. They will have something formulated for the board at our Mid Year Board Retreat
- Projected Operating Cost:
- High School will cost for staffing $1.9M, Middle School will cost for staffing $1M
- Projected Operating Cost:
Reviewed Kairos Mission Statement