Kairos Academies


Program Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Monday May 20, 2024 at 2:00 PM


Kairos Academies

3449 S Jefferson Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63118

We invite you join us at this Zoom link. This notice was published at www.kairosacademies.org/board at least one day prior to the meeting.

Committee Members Present

M. Howard, M. Vachow

Committee Members Absent

J. Horwitz

Guests Present

K. Underwood, M. Chavers

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Howard called a meeting of the Program Committee Committee of Kairos Academies to order on Monday May 20, 2024 at 2:01 PM.


Approve Minutes

II. Network Schools Team Updates


Testing Updates

Lauriel Bristol- District Testing Coordinator, reviewed the preparation and steps the school team took to ensure students were ready for testing in SY 23-24. Testing Preparation included sharing the testing calendar, incorporating EOD testing debriefs, weekly testing huddles, staff training, and a document library in which staff can review testing processes and resources.


Below are the current EOY testing statistics as of May 20, 2024.



92% Tested in Eng II 

93% Tested in Alg 1 

95% Tested in Bio 


KAHS has 215 students and 0 pending offboard(s), one enrolled scholar NOT attending per OPERATIONS 

KAHS Tested in ENG II - 1 (99/106= 93%) (10TH ONLY) 

KAHS Tested in ENG II - 2 (96/106=91%) (10TH ONLY) 


KAHS Tested in ALG - 1 (100/107= 93%) (9TH ONLY) 

KAHS Tested in ALG - 2 (102/107= 95%) (9TH ONLY) 

KAHS Tested in BIO (99/107= 93%) (9TH ONLY) 

1 KAMS student is enrolled in Logos. Should this scholar be excluded ** Cross Team OCS Item: a scholar who was enrolled but will not be allowed to attend school until Cycle 7. Thus, this scholar shows in our # enrolled but cannot be tested **



96% Tested in ELA 

96% Tested in Math 

91% Tested in Science 


Kams has 242 students and 0 pending offboard(s)

KAMS Tested in ELA 1(237/242 = 98%) 

KAMS Tested in ELA 2 (235/242 = 97%) 

KAMS Tested in ELA 3(234/242 = 96%) 

KAMS Tested in ELA 4 (72/78= 94%) (8th ONLY) 


KAMS Tested in MATH 1(235/242= 97%) 

KAMS Tested in MATH 2 (234/242= 96%) 

KAMS Tested in MATH 3 (233/242= 96%) 


KAMS Tested in SCIENCE 1 (98/105= 92%) (5th & 8th ONLY) 

KAMS Tested in SCIENCE 2 (96/105= 91%) (5th & 8th ONLY) 


1 KAMS student is enrolled in Logos. Should this scholar be excluded



Family Possip Updates- May


KAHS- Are you happy with Kairos Academies HS at this time?

Yes- 57%

Mostly- 31%

NO- 10%


KAMS- Are you happy with Kairos Academies MS at this time?

Yes- 22%

Mostly- 64%

NO- 12%


Special Education - All progress reports were submitted in Cycle 5 & 6. We analyzed IEPs and found 54 that needed to be completed from SY22-23. We've rectified all records, thus the number of students who receive special education services at Kairos has increased.


In cycle 5, we created a plan to increase ADA for SPED students since this population typically has low ADA; progress is noted below.


Cycle 5

5th grade- 100%

6th grade- 25%

7th grade- 85%

8th grade-67.65%

9th grade- 89.13%

10th grade- 85.71%


Cycle 6

5th grade- 83.33%

6th grade- 75%

7th grade- 80%

8th grade- 87.5%

9th grade- 63.9%

10th grade- 78.57%

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 2:46 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Vachow