Kairos Academies


Kairos Academies Board Meeting

Cycle 5

Date and Time

Thursday March 28, 2024 at 6:00 PM


Kairos Academies

3449 S Jefferson Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63118

We invite you join us at this Zoom link. This notice was published at www.kairosacademies.org/board at least one day prior to the meeting.

Directors Present

A. Jackson (remote), A. Sullivan (remote), H. Eastwood, M. Vachow (remote), N. Plair (remote), W. Young (remote)

Directors Absent

K. Owen

Ex Officio Members Present

K. Graham (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

K. Graham (remote)

Guests Present

B. Jackson (remote), J. Krewson (remote), K. Underwood (remote), Khyla Arnold (remote), Lealia Williams (remote), M. Chavers (remote), Martha McGeehon (remote), N. Jacobs (remote), Shakyra Poke (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

A. Jackson called a meeting of the board of directors of Kairos Academies to order on Thursday Mar 28, 2024 at 6:04 PM.


Public Comment

No public comment


Mission Statement


Vision Statement

II. Facilities Committee Update


Facilities Committee Goals Update

Goals Update:

  • New facilities acquisition is completed
  • All other Facilities Committee Goals are Ongoing 


Bingham Update

  • Closed on the loan and purchased the property
  • Pre development loan is coming through
  • Site maintenance is required to remain in good standing with neighbors and St. Louis City


Current Facilities Update

  • Construction on track for SY 25-26
  • MOUs will remain red likely for the remainder of the year
  • 8 positive stories in news
  • Stakeholder Satisfaction 
  • 900k raised is 800k after receiving the 400k grant reward



24-25 School Calendar

Reviewed Academic Calendar 

Received feedback from Teachers and Parents

  • Potentially shift September back and add in another inservice date in January prior to beginning Semester 2

III. Program Committee


Committee Goals Update

No Goal Updates


MS and HS Updates

Nathan reviewed Q3 Goals

  • Off Track Goals
    • Drops in MS ADA at 83% YTD
    • Drops in HS ADA 79.85% YTD
    • Drill Submission at 9/14
    • Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey at 71% 


MDS Update

Cycle 6 


  • Cycle 6 is testing season:
    • NWEA Growth
      • Anticipate more growth with NWEA
    • MAP
  • Mentoring effectiveness is trending upwards for MS/HS
    • This helps with testing
  • ADA calls to ensure students, parents and teachers are committed to attending
  • Strong Staff Retention


Focus Areas for Schools:

  • Instructional Observation - Make sure Principals are doing rounds
  • quality feedback in GROW
  • Calendar Fidelity

IV. Finance Committee


Finance Committee Goals Update

  • Commits to ensuring 60-120 days of cash on hand by June 2025 - Off track
  • Will review and approve necessary audit periods (December) - On Track
  • Commits to staying between 20-40% of proportion of assets financed - On Track


Reviewed March Monthly - Statement of Activities



Audit Update (RFP)

  • We informed KEB that we will not be using their services next school year 
  • Will submit RFP for Educational Audit so we can meet the December DESE Goal
N. Plair made a motion to To Submit RFP for Educational Audit.
A. Sullivan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Vachow
A. Jackson
K. Owen
A. Sullivan
N. Plair
H. Eastwood
W. Young


Staff Human Resources Update

Finance and HR Network Goals:


  • Cash On Hand Financial Goal is at risk - 60% (Goal 85%)
  • New Employee Survey Satisfaction is at risk - 85% (Goal 90%) - we are confident we will meet this goal
  • Teacher/Employee Retention is on track at 97% (Goal 85%)
  • GPTW is at risk - 71% (Goal 85%)
  • Performance Goals Submitted 2x2 is on track at 93% (Goal 90%)
  • Hiring 24-25 SY is NA - we will have the number the next board meeting (Goal is 90%)




W. Young made a motion to Approve December 2023, January 2024, February 2024 Financial Reports.
A. Sullivan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Vachow
A. Sullivan
N. Plair
K. Owen
H. Eastwood
W. Young
A. Jackson

V. Governance Committee Updates


Governance Committee goals update

Making traction on goals, we believe we will get our goals complete by end of school year


Board Member Succession Plan

  • Whitney will follow up with individual board members to understand tenure, desires and get the Board Succession plan updated
  • Marnae is helping with an annual review of the board policies


MEC PFD Reminder- Due May 1, 2024

  • Personal financial disclosure is required to the Board of Commission by May 1, 2024.
    • There is a penalty for submission after the due date


MCPSC Presentation

Martha reviewed a High Level Review of Annual Report

  • This data is out of date - FY 23
  • Annual report is a comprehensive body of evidence to tell us how well our school is meeting 
    • Statutes
    • Performance Contract Goals
    • Framework

Kairos Report:

  • Academics - Partially Meets
  • Financial Management - Meets
  • Learning Environment - Partially Meets
    • Attendance is evaluated in the Learning Environment and may have had an impact on our rating
  • Governances - Meets
  • Operations - Meets

Commission will return unused sponsorship fee of $55,000.00 based on FY23 Performance

VI. Executive Committee


Updated Strategic Plan

  • We edited Academices to "Academics & Learning"
  • We edited Agency to "Agency & Social Emotional Learning"
  • We outlined how the board is reviewing the strategic plan in our committee meetings and mid year retreat

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Sullivan