Kairos Academies


Program Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Monday October 30, 2023 at 5:00 PM


Kairos Academies

3449 S Jefferson Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63118

We invite you join us at this Zoom link. This notice was published at www.kairosacademies.org/board at least one day prior to the meeting.

Committee Members Present

M. Vachow (remote)

Committee Members Absent

M. Howard

Guests Present

K. Graham (remote), K. Underwood (remote), M. Chavers (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Vachow called a meeting of the Program Committee Committee of Kairos Academies to order on Monday Oct 30, 2023 at 5:04 PM.


Approve Minutes

II. MDS Updates


GPTW Overview (Schools Team Review)

About 40 staff members on the school team completed the survey.


The principals are participating in a workshop where they deep dive into the data and make an action step based on their teams' trends.


Schools Team Dashboard Review

Dr. Underwood reviewed the academic data dashboard and an overview of principal and leader support.


The expectation is that school principals are proficient in at least ten school leadership levers. Principals choose which levers they want to demonstrate proficiency in and can be rated by Dr. Underwood once they inform her.





III. School Updates


MS Progress to Goals

The middle school focuses on identifying bubble students, analyzing data, and supporting CSI students. 


6th grade, 26% of CSI students are on track to receive two years of growth at the end of the academic year.

7th, 68% of CSI students are on track to receive two years of growth at the end of the academic year.

8th, 72% of CSI students are on track to receive two years of growth at the end of the academic year.


The middle school is committed to improving the following based on Cycle 2, the school reviews:

Teaching and Learning: Purposeful Teaching and Professional Learning

School Culture: Collective Responsibility and Family Involvement

Leadership: Communication 


ADA: Cycle 2- 91%


Stakeholder Satisfaction:

MS Staff: 87% SAT/ 56% PC        

MS Students: 51% SAT/ 12% PC   

MS Family: 70% SAT/ 34% PC 


HS Progress to Goals

The high school is starting Cycle 3 by resetting the operating mechanisms, i.e., calendars and meetings for the team to ensure alignment and collaboration.



Cog Skills: 52% above 70, 60% above 55, remaining below

PFA’s: 46% are fewer than 4 PFA's behind

Overdue Project: 77% with no overdue projects

The high school team is prioritizing giving parents Summit logins to ensure academic transparency an support.



45% of students have goals set

69% of students have a check-in in the last two weeks

14% of students had a parent contact the previous week.


GPTW- 100% satisfaction for the high school.

Strongest Areas: Feels supported by managers.

Lowest Area: The Network Team feels disconnected.


ADA: Cycle 2-83.3%%

Chronically absent students are affecting ADA, and the high school is implementing the ADA escalation matrix, calling parents, and increasing free bus passes to ensure kids come to school.


The high school will ensure each classroom teacher uses data to inform instruction, and the leadership team will execute differentiated small group workshops twice weekly based on staff need and skill. 



Mini-Lesson: Student Support Services and Local SPED Compliance

The new Special Support Services team has been working to ensure we are in academic compliance and supporting students properly.


93% of MS students with IEPS will be able to receive progress reports, and 100% of HS students will receive progress reports due to their details.


Kairos Academies will implement the newest adopted Local Compliance plan by our state governing body. This summer, the state updated a few of these policies as related to this plan.


The Special Populations Team will do the following:

1. Address and redefine successful outcomes for Special Populations

2. Redouble efforts to find errant 504, ELL, GT, and McKinney Vento students

3. Accurately monitor special population students' daily attendance


IV. School Review Synopsis


Update from October 2023 School Review

The committee watched a brief video of School Review trends.

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:04 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Vachow